PDF Technologies

How to Manage an Electronic Document Management System

Thu. 08 Feb. 20247043

Implementing an Electronic Document Management System boosts the storage, retrieval, and management of digital documents, enhancing collaboration and operational efficiency.

By using key features like access control, version control, and compliance tracking, organizations can ensure data security and regulatory compliance with minimal manual intervention.

Naaziyah Ismail
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Naaziyah has written many tutorials on apps and software such as Monday.com, Jira, Asana, Trello, and PDF Reader Pro. She excels at engagingly simplifying complex processes.

Understanding the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Definition and Purpose of EDMS:

An Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is a technology solution designed to manage, store, and track digital documents and electronic documents. Its primary purpose is to enhance business processes, enhance access control, and improve the organization's overall document workflow, transforming manual processes into an efficient digital repository.

Components and Features of EDMS

  • Central repository for digital documents
  • Version control for document indexing
  • Collaboration tools for simultaneous document editing and sharing
  • Enterprise content management
  • Optical character recognition (OCR) for converting paper documents
  • Advanced security measures, including access permissions to safeguard sensitive documents and ensure regulatory compliance.

"Implementing an EDMS is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, execution, and maintenance to achieve the desired improvements in document management efficiency and compliance."
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

How to Implement an EDMS

Implementing an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) involves several key steps to ensure that it meets your organization's needs effectively. Here is a general outline of how to implement an EDMS:

1. Assess Your Needs

  • Evaluate Current Document Management Processes: Understand how documents are currently managed and identify pain points.
  • Identify Requirements: Determine what you need from an EDMS in terms of document storage, retrieval, security, collaboration, and compliance requirements.


2. Choose the Right EDMS

  • Research and Compare EDMS Solutions: Look for systems that meet your specific needs, considering factors such as ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities.
  • Consider Vendor Reputation and Support: Choose a reputable vendor known for good customer support.


Image Source: Microsoft SharePoint

3. Plan the Implementation

  • Develop a Project Plan: Outline tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and milestones.
  • Involve Stakeholders: Engage people from different parts of the organization who will use or be affected by the EDMS.


4. Configure the System

  • Customize the EDMS: Adjust settings to align with your business processes, including document categorization, access controls, and workflow rules.
  • Integrate with Other Systems: If needed, integrate the EDMS with other software tools used by your organization.


5. Migrate Existing Documents

  • Prepare Documents: Organize and prepare documents for migration. This might include digitizing paper documents and organizing digital files.
  • Import Documents: Use tools provided by the EDMS to import documents, ensuring data integrity and proper indexing.


Image Source: DocuWare

6. Train Users

  • Develop Training Materials: Create guides, tutorials, and other resources.
  • Conduct Training Sessions: Offer training to all users, covering basic operations, advanced features, and best practices for document management.


7. Go Live

  • Implement in Phases: Consider a phased approach to reduce risk, starting with a pilot group before a full rollout.
  • Monitor and Support: Provide support to users, addressing questions and issues promptly.


8. Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

  • Collect Feedback: Regularly gather user feedback on the system’s performance and usability.
  • Review System Performance: Monitor how the EDMS is meeting your needs, identifying any areas for improvement.
  • Make Adjustments: Update configurations, add new features, or adjust workflows as necessary to improve efficiency and user satisfaction.


9. Ensure Ongoing Maintenance and Support

  • Schedule Regular Reviews: Periodically review the system to ensure it continues to meet evolving needs.
  • Stay Updated: Apply software updates and patches as they become available to maintain security and functionality.


Implementing an EDMS is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, execution, and maintenance to achieve the desired improvements in document management efficiency and compliance.

10. Use a Document Management Tool

Using other tools to make your implementation smoother is best! PDF Reader Pro enhances Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) by providing comprehensive tools for viewing, editing, and managing PDF files efficiently.

Its capabilities in document annotation, form filling, and digital signatures boost the review and approval processes, making collaboration effortless.

Additionally, PDF Reader Pro's encryption and permission settings ensure the security and integrity of documents, making it an indispensable tool for maintaining an organized, secure, and compliant document management workflow.

Download PDF Reader Pro: Windows

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!

Make implementing your EDMS easier with PDF Reader Pro on your Windows device!

Personally, PDF Reader Pro has leveled up our PDF management. It has fast and efficient features such as converting formats and viewing and editing capabilities!

You can also check our recommendations on setting up an electronic document management system.

Top 3 EDMS Platforms

The top 3 Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) can vary based on criteria such as usability, integration capabilities, and specific features an organization needs. However, based on widespread recognition, versatility, and robust features, here are the top 3 EDMS platforms:

1. Microsoft SharePoint

Image Source: Microsoft SharePoint

  • Features: Integration with Microsoft Office, extensive document management capabilities like version control, workflows, and metadata management.
  • Best For: Organizations within the Microsoft ecosystem looking for seamless integration with Office applications.


2. M-Files


Image Source: M-Files

  • Features: Intelligent document management using metadata, version control, workflow automation, and easy integration with various business systems.
  • Best For: Businesses seeking a customizable EDMS with advanced metadata-driven document management and automation capabilities.


3. DocuWare


Image Source: DocuWare

  • Features: A cloud-based solution offering digital document capture, secure storage, automated workflows, mobile access, and ERP/CRM integration.
  • Best For: Small to mid-sized businesses aiming for a comprehensive cloud-based document management solution with strong automation and integration features.


These platforms stand out for their comprehensive document management solutions, catering to various industries and organizational sizes.

Each offers unique strengths, from SharePoint's deep integration with Microsoft Office to M-Files' innovative use of metadata and DocuWare's powerful cloud-based automation capabilities.

Why You Should Implement an EDMS

Feature Paper-Based Document Management System Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
Storage                             Requires physical space for storage such as filing cabinets. Digital storage significantly reduces physical space requirements.
Accessibility Access is limited to physical location and during business hours. Accessible from anywhere, anytime with internet connectivity.
Searchability Finding documents can be time-consuming and depends on manual organization. Quick and easy search capabilities using metadata, keywords, or full-text search.
Security Vulnerable to physical damage (fire, water, etc.) and theft. Requires manual oversight for access control. Enhanced security features including encryption, access controls, and audit trails. Less vulnerable to physical threats.
Sharing & Collaboration Physical sharing requires photocopying or mailing, limiting real-time collaboration. Instant sharing and collaboration features allow multiple users to view and edit documents simultaneously.
Version Control Managing document versions is manual and prone to error. Automatic version control ensures only the most recent version is accessed, with history of changes.
Compliance Compliance can be challenging to maintain and prove with paper records. Easier to enforce compliance policies, with automatic record keeping and reporting features.
Environmental Impact High, due to the need for paper, printing, and physical storage. Reduced environmental impact through decreased paper use and physical storage needs.
Cost Ongoing costs for paper, printing, storage space, and physical delivery. Potential upfront costs for software and training, but significant long-term savings on paper, storage, and retrieval.


Why Changing to an EDMS is Beneficial

  • Efficiency and Productivity: EDMS enhances operational efficiency by enhancing the search, retrieval, and management of documents, saving significant time and resources.
  • Improved Security and Compliance: Advanced security measures protect sensitive information, while compliance with regulatory standards is easier to achieve and demonstrate.
  • Cost Reduction: While there might be initial costs for setting up an EDMS, businesses can experience long-term savings by reducing paper use and storage needs and minimizing the risks of loss and damage.
"PDF Reader Pro is an amazing tool for individuals and for business. It's annotation and editing help me with my daily tasks and allows for collaboration amongst my team and I."
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn


Can an EDMS help with regulatory compliance?

Yes, an EDMS can greatly aid in maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements by automating records management processes, ensuring secure and controlled access to documents, and providing comprehensive audit trails.

What industries can benefit from using an EDMS?

Virtually all industries can benefit from an EDMS, including healthcare, legal, finance, education, government, and manufacturing, as it addresses common challenges related to document management, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency.

How does an EDMS facilitate remote work?

An EDMS enables remote access to documents and collaboration among team members regardless of their location. It supports remote work environments by providing secure, cloud-based access to documents and facilitating communication and document sharing among distributed teams.

Can an EDMS integrate with other business systems?

Yes, most EDMS can integrate with other business systems such as CRM, ERP, and project management tools. This integration facilitates seamless workflows, improves data consistency across platforms, and enhances overall operational efficiency by allowing users to access and manage documents directly from other applications.

Can an EDMS help reduce an organization's carbon footprint?

Yes, by transitioning from paper-based processes to an electronic document management system, organizations can significantly reduce their use of paper, printing supplies, and storage space, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint.

Moving to an EDMS

Moving to an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) streamlines document handling, enhances security, and improves collaboration across all levels of an organization.

PDF Reader Pro serves as a powerful tool in this transition, offering intuitive features for managing, editing, and sharing documents efficiently.

Its adoption has significantly facilitated our document management processes, contributing to better organization and productivity.

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!