PDF Technologies

11 Best Education Apps For Students and Teachers

Wed. 12 Oct. 202255573 Mins

Dive in as we explore the 11 best education apps that every student and teacher should have in their arsenal.

Whether you're aiming for better organization, interactive learning, or just simplifying daily academic tasks, these apps promise to make your academic journey smoother and more efficient. Let's get started!

Quick Reference Table

Have you got many lessons to attend (or plan) and little time to find educational apps? Check out our quick reference table below!


Educational App


Free Version

PDF Reader Pro

PDF Tool Yes

Kdan PDF Reader

PDF Tool Yes

Adobe Acrobat

PDF Tool Yes

Khan Academy 

Comprehensive Learning Platform Yes

Google Classroom 

Learning Management System Yes


Writing and Grammar Assistance Tool Yes


Educational Interaction Tool Yes


Classroom Communication Tool Yes


Note-Taking App Yes


Interactive Quizzing Tool Yes

Figment AR

Augmented Reality Learning Tool Yes

11 Best Education Apps For Students and Teachers

Let's get started with our list of the 11 leading apps designed to help teachers and students alike with their educational needs!

1. PDF Reader Pro

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PDF Reader Pro

Navigating the vast realm of digital documents, PDF Reader Pro emerges as an essential tool for both students and teachers. This multifunctional app not only allows for seamless viewing of PDF files but also offers an array of features designed specifically to cater to the needs of the academic world.

Educational Features

  • Annotation Tools: Equip users with the ability to highlight text, add comments, and draw on documents, facilitating interactive note-taking and collaborative studies.
  • File Organization: Streamline the management of course materials, research papers, and assignments with intuitive file organization and easy-to-use folders.
  • Convert & Edit: Effortlessly convert PDFs to various formats like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and edit them directly within the app, eliminating the need for multiple software tools.

How PDF Reader Pro Fared When Tested

In our hands-on trial, PDF Reader Pro demonstrated exceptional performance. The app’s interface is user-friendly, making navigation a breeze even for the first-time users. Annotation tools are precise, ensuring that highlighting and commenting on complex academic materials is a straightforward task.

The file conversion feature worked flawlessly, retaining the original layout and formatting of documents. Overall, for those in the educational sector, PDF Reader Pro stands out as a robust and indispensable tool.

2. Kdan PDF Reader

Image source: Kdan PDF Reader

In the vast ecosystem of PDF management tools, Kdan PDF Reader carves out a distinct niche. Renowned for its comprehensive capabilities, it has rapidly become a favored choice for students and educators seeking more than just a simple document viewer.

Educational Features

  • Cloud Integration: With seamless cloud service integration, users can save, sync, and access their academic documents from anywhere, anytime.

  • Multimedia Annotations: Beyond basic annotations, Kdan offers multimedia note additions such as audio recordings, making study sessions more dynamic.

  • Form Filling & Signing: Perfect for administrative tasks or assignments, this feature allows users to fill out and electronically sign PDFs directly within the app.

How Kdan PDF Reader Fared When Tested

Our hands-on experience with Kdan PDF Reader was notably impressive. The app loaded documents swiftly, with clear and crisp rendering.

The multimedia annotations were a standout feature, allowing for a richer document interaction experience. The cloud integration ensured that accessing and saving documents on the go was hassle-free. All in all, Kdan PDF Reader is a formidable contender in the realm of educational PDF tools.

3. Adobe Acrobat


Image source: Adobe Acrobat


Adobe Acrobat, a product of the globally recognized Adobe suite, stands tall as one of the most reputable and widely-used PDF tools in the market. With its rich history and continuous innovations, it offers a myriad of features that cater specifically to the intricate needs of students and educators.

Educational Features

  • Document Scanning: Adobe Acrobat allows users to quickly scan physical documents and convert them into high-quality PDFs, simplifying digitization of class notes and handouts.
  • Collaboration Tools: Users can easily share PDFs and collect feedback from peers or instructors directly in the document, streamlining group projects and assignment reviews.
  • Security Features: Protect sensitive academic information with password encryption, ensuring that personal and academic data remain confidential.

How Adobe Acrobat Fared When Tested

In our comprehensive review, Adobe Acrobat consistently showcased its prowess. The document scanning feature produced remarkably clear and sharp results, even with hand-written notes. Collaboration tools were intuitive, allowing for smooth real-time interactions on shared documents.

The added layer of security features provided peace of mind, especially when handling important academic documents. Given its robust features and reliable performance, Adobe Acrobat remains a top choice in the PDF tool arena for the educational community.

4. Khan Academy 

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Khan Academy 

Khan Academy stands out as a beacon in the realm of online education. Pioneering a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere, it offers a plethora of courses spanning multiple subjects and grade levels.

Educational Features

  • Wide Range of Courses: Whether it's math, science, economics, or arts, Khan Academy provides an extensive range of courses tailored for different age groups, from school students to college learners.
  • Interactive Practice Exercises: Beyond the video lectures, Khan Academy offers interactive exercises, ensuring learners can practice and reinforce what they've learned.
  • Instant Feedback: As learners navigate through exercises and quizzes, they receive immediate feedback, helping them understand mistakes and cement their knowledge.

How Khan Academy Fared When Tested

Our exploration of Khan Academy was marked by its vast repository of educational resources. The platform effortlessly bridges the gap between complex subjects and understandable content, thanks to its thoughtfully crafted video lectures. The interactive exercises are designed in a way that they challenge and engage the learner, promoting a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, the immediate feedback system fosters a continuous learning process, enabling learners to understand and rectify their mistakes on the spot. Overall, Khan Academy’s commitment to democratizing education is evident in its comprehensive, high-quality content, making it an invaluable tool for self-paced learning.

5. Google Classroom 

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Google Classroom 


Google Classroom, birthed from the tech giant Google, has rapidly ascended as a quintessential tool for academic institutions around the globe. Seamlessly integrating with the familiar suite of Google apps, Classroom streamlines the educational process, bridging the gap between students, teachers, and digital resources.

Educational Features

  • Assignment Distribution: Teachers can easily create, distribute, and grade assignments all in one place, reducing paper wastage and ensuring timely submissions.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Leveraging the power of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, students and educators can work on projects simultaneously, viewing and editing in real-time.
  • Class Updates & Announcements: A centralized platform to keep the class informed, educators can post updates, share resources, and communicate directly with their students.

How Google Classroom Fared When Tested

During our hands-on experience with Google Classroom, the platform stood out for its simplistic design and efficient functionalities. Assignments could be managed with ease, and the integration of other Google services like Drive made document storage and sharing effortless. Real-time collaboration tools proved to be invaluable for group projects and class discussions.

Furthermore, the ability for educators to make announcements ensured that the class was always on the same page. In a world where digital learning is becoming more prevalent, Google Classroom proves itself as an indispensable tool for educators and students alike.

6. Grammarly

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Grammarly, renowned as a front-runner in the domain of digital writing assistance, is not just about grammar checks. It delves deeper, offering users nuanced feedback on tone, clarity, and coherence. For college students and educators alike, Grammarly stands as a trusted companion, ensuring their written communication is polished and effective.

Educational Features

  • Advanced Grammar & Spell Checker: Beyond basic grammatical errors, Grammarly identifies complex issues, offering suggestions for clarity and correctness.
  • Tone & Style Insights: With its innovative tone detector, users receive feedback on the tone of their writing, ensuring it aligns with the intended message.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Especially crucial for academic writing, Grammarly's integrated plagiarism checker scans the web to ensure originality in essays and research papers.

How Grammarly Fared When Tested

During our hands-on experience with Grammarly, the tool's prowess became immediately evident. It not only caught subtle grammatical nuances but also provided context, helping users understand and learn from their mistakes. The tone and style insights were particularly beneficial when crafting essays or formal emails, ensuring the right balance of professionalism and friendliness.

The plagiarism checker, a boon for educators and students, worked efficiently in highlighting any content that might be too closely mirrored from online sources. All in all, Grammarly establishes itself as more than a mere grammar checker; it's a comprehensive writing assistant that every academic writer should consider integrating into their toolkit. 

7. Flip

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In an era where interactive and multimedia-rich content is becoming the norm for education, Flip emerges as an innovative tool. Designed to turn the traditional studying approach on its head, Flip enhances the learning experience through its dynamic digital flashcards.

Educational Features

  • Customizable Flashcards: Users can craft their own flashcards, embedding images, audio, or even video to suit their study style and subject matter.
  • Collaborative Study Decks: Students and educators alike can share and collaborate on flashcard decks, promoting group study and a shared learning experience.
  • Spaced Repetition System: Flip employs a scientifically-backed repetition system to ensure that learners review materials at optimal times, enhancing retention and understanding.

How Flip Fared When Tested

Upon diving into Flip, the initial impression was its user-friendly interface, which made the creation and management of flashcards straightforward. The multimedia capabilities added a dynamic layer to the studying process, catering to different learning styles. Sharing and collaborating on decks became a notable feature when studying in groups or when teachers wanted to distribute study materials.

The spaced repetition system, often praised in educational psychology, genuinely made a difference in retaining information over extended periods. Flip, with its contemporary take on flashcards, offers a refreshing and effective approach to study and revision.

8. ClassDojo

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ClassDojo stands as a vibrant intersection of technology and classroom management, empowering teachers, students, and parents to build amazing classroom communities. This innovative platform has not only digitized the age-old classroom reward system but has also expanded its horizons to facilitate communication and promote positive behavior.

Educational Features

  • Behavior Tracking: Teachers can award points (or "dojos") to students for good behavior, participation, or any other customizable metric, providing instant feedback and motivation.
  • Parent-Teacher Communication: ClassDojo offers a seamless channel for teachers and parents to connect, share updates, and discuss student progress without the need for traditional meetings.
  • Class Story & Portfolios: A digital bulletin board where teachers can share class updates, photos, and announcements, while students can showcase their work in individual portfolios.

How ClassDojo Fared When Tested

Our exploration into ClassDojo revealed a platform that’s as delightful to use as it is functional. The behavior tracking system was intuitive, allowing for quick awarding or deduction of points, which instantly resonated with students. The bridge it creates between parents and teachers is invaluable, offering transparency and fostering collaborative relationships in the child's educational journey.

The Class Story and student portfolios added a touch of personalization and pride, allowing both achievements and essential updates to be celebrated and shared. In essence, ClassDojo brilliantly captures the essence of modern classroom dynamics, fostering growth, communication, and positivity.

9. Evernote

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Evernote, with its iconic elephant logo, has etched its presence as one of the pioneering note-taking and organization tools in the digital realm. By offering a unified platform for capturing, organizing, and sharing notes, it has become an indispensable asset for college students and educators seeking a clutter-free digital workspace.

Educational Features

  • Versatile Note-taking: Beyond just text, Evernote supports the addition of images, audio recordings, and attachments, ensuring a comprehensive note-capturing experience.
  • Organizational Notebooks & Tags: Users can categorize their notes into notebooks, further refining their organization with tags, making the retrieval of information quick and effortless.
  • Web Clipper Extension: Research becomes a breeze as users can clip and save entire web pages, articles, or sections directly into their Evernote account, preserving references and sources with ease.

How Evernote Fared When Tested

Our dive into Evernote was met with an appreciation for its clean design and robust functionality. The versatility of note-taking methods catered to various scenarios, from lecture notes with embedded audio to project ideas with attached PDFs. The organizational system, especially with the use of tags, made sifting through vast amounts of information surprisingly straightforward.

The Web Clipper stood out as a standout feature for research purposes, saving not just the content but also the source. Overall, Evernote's cohesive suite of tools and features positions it as a top-tier choice for anyone in the academic sphere looking to enhance their note-taking and organizational prowess.

10. Quizalize

Image source: Quizalize  


Quizalize steps into the educational arena as a dynamic, interactive platform that transforms mundane quizzes into engaging learning experiences. Designed to make assessment both fun and insightful, it caters to educators aiming to measure student understanding while also keeping learners engaged.

Educational Features

  • Interactive Quizzes: Craft quizzes with various question types, including multiple choice, short answer, and more, all while incorporating multimedia elements to enrich the experience.
  • Real-time Feedback & Analytics: Upon quiz completion, educators receive immediate insights into student performance, highlighting areas of strength and topics that may need further attention.
  • Classroom Competitions: Transform assessments into interactive class competitions, where students can compete in teams, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

How Quizalize Fared When Tested

Our experience with Quizalize was marked by its user-friendly interface and the sheer fun of the quizzes. Crafting quizzes was intuitive, with a plethora of options to customize each question. The real-time feedback was particularly insightful, presenting data in easy-to-digest formats, aiding educators in adapting their teaching methods or topics accordingly.

The classroom competitions were a standout feature, adding an element of excitement to the assessment process. Not only did it promote learning, but it also made the quiz experience something students looked forward to. Quizalize, with its blend of engagement and analytics, is undoubtedly a valuable tool in the modern educator's toolkit.

11. Figment AR

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Figment AR

In the intersection of augmented reality (AR) and education, Figment AR emerges as a groundbreaking tool. By leveraging the capabilities of AR, it immerses users in a learning environment where digital content meshes with the real world, creating an enriched and interactive educational experience.

Educational Features

  • AR Scene Creation: Users can craft their own augmented reality scenes, adding 3D objects, animations, and other interactive elements directly into the physical environment.
  • Educational Modules: Figment AR offers pre-designed modules that align with various academic subjects, enabling teachers and students to explore topics in a three-dimensional, interactive space.
  • Collaborative Learning: Students can share their AR scenes and projects with peers, promoting collaborative exploration and group discussions within an augmented environment.

How Figment AR Fared When Tested

Our journey into Figment AR was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The ability to craft custom AR scenes added a layer of creativity and depth to presentations and projects. The pre-designed educational modules proved invaluable, bringing abstract concepts to life in a tangible, interactive manner. The sharing capabilities fostered a communal learning experience, allowing students to explore and critique each other's augmented creations. 

The seamlessness with which Figment AR integrates AR into educational scenarios showcases its potential as a futuristic, immersive learning platform. With its innovative features and capabilities, Figment AR holds the promise of revolutionizing classroom dynamics and learning methodologies.


Education Apps For Students and Teachers: Best Practices

Navigating the vast landscape of education apps can be overwhelming. With the increasing infusion of technology in education, the variety of learning apps available to both students and teachers has seen an exponential rise. To make the most of these digital resources, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Evaluating Excellence: Teacher Evaluation Template

A comprehensive tool for fostering continuous improvement.

  1. Prioritize Comprehensive Platforms: Apps like Khan Academy offer a wide range of courses and educational videos, catering to diverse subject matter. For younger learners, Khan Academy Kids extends a similar approach, coupling instructional videos with fun games.
  2. Leverage Collaborative Tools: Platforms like Google Drive can revolutionize the learning experience. Teachers can store and share learning material, and students can collaborate on projects in real-time.

  3. Interactive Learning: Engage students with interactive quizzes and games. These not only make the learning process enjoyable but also reinforce fundamental skills.

  4. Diverse Educational Resources: Opt for apps that offer a broad spectrum of resources, from video lectures to discussion forums. These platforms often provide a holistic learning experience, catering to different learning styles.

  5. Seek Value: Many apps offer advanced features under monthly subscriptions. While these can be valuable, always weigh the subscription fees against the benefits. Platforms like Khan Academy offer a wealth of resources for free, while others might offer offline mode viewing under premium tiers.

  6. Apps Tailored for Specific Audiences: There are dedicated apps for teachers that offer resources like lesson plans and virtual classrooms. Similarly, apps for students might focus more on interactive learning experiences. Then there are apps for kids, like those on the Google Play Store or Nick Jr., which merge learning with playful interactions.

  7. Screen Time Moderation: Especially for younger learners, it's essential to balance digital learning with physical activities. While educational games or platforms like Khan Academy Kids can be beneficial, moderating screen time ensures holistic development.

  8. Stay Updated: The realm of education apps is continually evolving, with many harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to offer personalized learning experiences. Staying updated ensures that students and teachers always have the best tools at their disposal.

  9. Offline Capabilities: In areas with unstable internet connections, apps that offer offline viewing or functionalities can be a boon. It ensures that the learning process isn't hampered.

  10. Engage in Discussions: Platforms that offer discussion forums can be invaluable. They offer students a platform to clarify doubts, engage in intellectual discussions, and learn from peers.

Remember, the key to maximizing the benefits of education apps lies in choosing the right platforms and using them effectively. Whether it's for school students exploring complex math or educators curating lesson plans, the digital realm offers tools to make the journey smoother and more interactive.


Education Apps For Students and Teachers: FAQ

1. Are there any educational apps for kids on the Google Play Store?
Yes, the Google Play Store boasts a wide range of educational apps for kids. These apps often incorporate interactive games, fostering both cognitive skills and fundamental math skills in an engaging manner.

2. Can apps help in enhancing social skills for children?
Definitely! Many apps, especially those labeled as 'Apps For Kids', are designed with a focus on building social skills. They might include features that promote teamwork, sharing, and empathy.

3. I've heard about Khan Academy. What is it?
Khan Academy is a renowned educational platform that provides free, high-quality content across multiple subjects. From complex math concepts to arts, it caters to learners of all ages.

4. Are there specific apps for teachers?
Yes, there are specialized apps for teachers available on various app stores. These can range from digital portfolios to note-taking apps or platforms that assist in crafting educational quizzes.

5. How do educational apps make learning complex subjects like math more engaging?
Many apps, such as the Prodigy Math Game, use interactive games and challenges to teach complex math concepts. They turn learning into a fun activity, ensuring that the correct answer is rewarded and the incorrect answer provides a learning opportunity.

6. What features should I look for in an educational app?
When selecting an educational app, consider the following app features: range of content, interactivity (like augmented reality or sound effects), feedback mechanisms (highlighting correct or incorrect answers), and adaptability (the ability to adjust to a learner's level or suggest future lessons).

7. Are there apps to help kids learn coding or foreign languages?
Absolutely! Several apps introduce kids to the basics of coding language or help them master a foreign language through games, challenges, and interactive lessons.

8. How do educational app purchases usually work?
While some apps might be free with basic plan features, others might offer advanced features for a one-time fee or a subscription model. It's always a good idea to check app purchases options and read reviews to ensure you're getting value for your money.

9. I've heard of apps using augmented reality for education. How do they enhance the learning experience?
Augmented reality (AR) in educational apps adds an immersive dimension. It superimposes digital information onto the real world, making abstract concepts tangible and promoting a hands-on learning experience.

10. Are there apps that focus only on math games for kids of specific ages?
Yes, there are several apps tailored for specific kids' ages. These math games are designed to align with their cognitive development stage, ensuring they are challenged just the right amount and can build foundational math skills effectively.

Remember, the world of educational apps is vast and continuously evolving. Always ensure to check for updates, read user reviews, and make informed choices to provide the best learning experience for students or to aid teachers in their educational endeavors.

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