PDF Technologies

How to Delete Pages in Adobe Acrobat

Thu. 09 Nov. 202318123

When working with PDFs, you might find yourself needing to remove unnecessary or redundant pages.

PDF Reader Pro offers a straightforward method for deleting pages from your Adobe Acrobat files. Follow these simple steps to tidy up your document.

Theodore Cipolla
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Theodore is a B2B SaaS Content Marketer with over ten years of experience. He is passionate about helping professionals appreciate the value of tools quickly.

How to Delete Pages in Adobe Acrobat

We've outlined exactly how to delete pages from Adobe Acrobat, step-by-step.

Step 1: Open your PDF file in Acrobat

You can open your PDF file from the "Adobe cloud storage", your "Recent" files, or from "Your computer". 

Image source: Adobe Acrobat

Step 2: Go to Organize Pages

Use the “Organize Pages” tool from the “All Tools” menu.

Image source: Adobe Acrobat

"PDF Reader Pro simplifies complex editing tasks, making it the preferred choice for anyone seeking a powerful yet user-friendly PDF management solution."
Johan Müller
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Step 3: Select to Delete

Click the thumbnail of the pages you want to delete and click the “Delete” icon.

Image source: Adobe Acrobat

Discover how to erase in Adobe Acrobat with our easy-to-follow instructions, perfect for refining your PDF documents.

Step 4: Confirm and Save

Confirm deletion with “OK” and save the updated file by selecting “Save.”

Image source: Adobe Acrobat

Learn how to update Adobe Acrobat with our step-by-step guide, ensuring you have the latest features and security updates.

Other Methods for Deleting PDF Pages 

We want to show you an alternative and quicker way to delete pages from your PDF using PDF Reader Pro. 

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!

Step 1: Open your PDF 

Click "Open Files" and select your PDF. 

Step 2: Click on "Page Edit" in the top toolbar

"I always used more than one PDF Reader before finding PDF Reader Pro because none of them had all the tools I needed in one platform. Now I only use PDF Reader Pro due to its efficient suite of tools!"
Naaziyah Ismail
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Step 3: Select the pages you need to delete

Then click on the "Delete" button and confirm your changes.

Step 4: Save your new PDF

Click on "File" and then "Save" to update your current file or "Save as" to create a new version of your PDF. 

Explore our recommendations on how to delete pages from a PDF, complete with tips, tricks, and tools to streamline the process.

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!