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Make it Official with Our Business Partnership Agreement Template

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Secure a solid foundation for your business collaboration with our comprehensive Business Partnership Agreement Template.

This template is expertly crafted to guide you through establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations, ensuring a smooth and mutually beneficial partnership. Start on the right foot and protect your interests with our legally sound document designed for businesses aiming for success.

Theodore Cipolla
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Theodore is a B2B SaaS Content Marketer with over ten years of experience. He is passionate about helping professionals appreciate the value of tools quickly.

Download Business Partnership Agreement Template

A Business Partnership Agreement is a legally binding contract shared among two or more people or organizations. It specifies the rules, duties, and financial aspects of their cooperation.

This document sets the framework of the partnership, details each partner's contributions, explains how profits and losses will be divided, and outlines procedures for handling conflicts or ending the partnership.


A Business Partnership Agreement is crucial for partnerships in any industry or size. It establishes a solid basis for a fruitful collaboration by clarifying the business operations, each partner's responsibilities, and the approach to tackling obstacles.

Considering its importance, drafting this agreement with thorough attention is recommended. Additionally, consulting with a legal expert can help ensure that the interests of all partners are fairly and fully represented.

Key Components

  • Parties Involved: Includes the names and contact details of all the partners entering the agreement.
  • Business Details: Provides a description of the business, covering its name, type, and main location.


  • Duration of Partnership: Indicates when the partnership begins and its length, whether ongoing or for a specified term.

  • Capital Contributions: Outlines each partner's contributions to the partnership, such as cash, property, labor, or skills, and how additional capital needs will be managed.

  • Profit and Loss Distribution: Details how profits and losses are divided among partners, which could be equally or based on individual contributions or another agreed-upon method.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Specifies each partner's duties, responsibilities, and authority in daily operations and decision-making.

  • Decision Making: Describes the process for making both routine and significant decisions affecting the partnership.
  • Dispute Resolution: Identifies the approaches (like mediation or arbitration) to be used if disagreements arise that partners cannot settle independently.

  • Withdrawal or Death of a Partner: Outlines how the partnership is impacted if a partner departs or passes away.
  • Dissolution of Partnership: Explains the circumstances under which the partnership may end and the steps for ceasing operations.

  • Non-compete and Confidentiality Clauses: Includes terms to prevent partners from competing against the partnership or disclosing confidential information.
  • Signatures: Requires the signature and date from all partners involved in the agreement.

Key Purposes

  • Legal Protection: Establishes guidelines for addressing conflicts and helps avoid possible legal issues among partners.
  • Clear Expectations: Defines explicit roles and responsibilities for each partner, ensuring all are aware of their duties and commitments.
  • Financial Clarity: Details the management of capital investments, profits, and losses, offering partners a clear view of the business's financial organization.
  • Flexibility: Enables partners to tailor the partnership structure to their unique requirements and objectives, instead of adhering to generic state laws.
  • Framework for Challenges: Offers procedures for handling potential difficulties, such as a partner's exit or disagreements.

"Business is not about one’s own success or failure, but how successful we make our partners."
Donald Trump
45th US President
Source: LinkedIn

Executive Summary 

Parties Involved

  • List the full names and contact information of all the individuals or entities entering into the partnership.

For example: John Doe, 123 Main St, Springfield, IL, Email: johndoe@example.com

Business Details

  • Provide the legal name of the partnership, a brief description of the business activities, and the primary location of business operations.

For example:

  • Legal Name: Springfield Innovations LLP

  • Business Activities: Development and sales of software solutions

  • Location: 789 Oak St, Springfield, IL

Duration of Partnership

  • Specify the commencement date of the partnership and whether it is for a fixed term or indefinite.

For example:

  • Start Date: July 1, 2024

  • Duration: Indefinite

Capital Contributions

  • Detail what each partner will contribute (e.g., money, property, expertise), and terms for additional contributions if needed.

For example: John Doe: $50,000 and software development expertise.

Profit and Loss Distribution

  • Describe how profits and losses will be shared among the partners, typically as a percentage based on capital contributions.

For example: Profits and losses are to be shared equally between the partners.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Clearly define the responsibilities and roles of each partner, including management duties and operational tasks.

For example: John Doe: Lead software development and technical support.

Decision Making

  • Outline the process for making both daily operational decisions and major decisions affecting the partnership.

For example: Routine decisions made independently by the responsible partner; major decisions require unanimous consent.

Dispute Resolution

  • Specify the methods for resolving disputes among partners, such as mediation or arbitration.

For example: In case of disputes, partners agree to mediation followed by arbitration if necessary.

Withdrawal or Death of a Partner

  • Define the terms under which a partner can exit the partnership and the steps to follow if a partner dies.

For example: Upon a partner's death, the partnership may buy out the deceased partner’s interest or dissolve, as decided by the surviving partner(s).

Dissolution of Partnership

  • Detail how and under what conditions the partnership can be dissolved.

For example: The partnership may be dissolved by mutual agreement of the partners or if it becomes financially unviable.

Non-compete and Confidentiality Clauses

  • Include clauses to prevent partners from competing against the partnership during and after its term, and to protect confidential information.

For example: Partners agree not to engage in any business that competes with the partnership for a period of two years post-dissolution.


  • All partners should sign and date the document, possibly in the presence of a witness or notary.

For example: Signature of John Doe, Date: July 1, 2024


"Partnership is about creating something bigger and better than what you can do on your own."
Kim Garst 
Marketing Strategist
Source: LinkedIn

Implement Decision-Making Protocols

With a Business Partnership Agreement in place, ensure that the decision-making protocols outlined in the document are implemented effectively.

This involves setting up the necessary administrative processes and communication channels to handle decisions in the manner agreed upon by all partners. Whether decisions require unanimous consent or a majority vote, having a clear and practiced process helps in making swift, effective decisions.

Training and informing all involved parties about these processes reduces confusion and increases efficiency in operations. It also minimizes the risk of disputes over decision-making, as each partner understands the procedures and their role within them.


Monitor Legal Compliance

Ensure ongoing legal compliance after your Business Partnership Agreement is in effect. Business laws can change, potentially affecting various clauses in your agreement.

Regularly consulting with a legal advisor to review your partnership’s compliance with local, state, and federal laws is prudent. This helps in identifying any legal shifts that might impact your business operations or the validity of your agreement.

Staying compliant not only protects the partnership from legal repercussions but also fortifies the partnership's reputation in the business community, making it more attractive to investors, clients, and potential new partners.


Plan for Dispute Resolution

Even with a well-drafted Business Partnership Agreement, disputes may arise. Having a clear, predefined method for handling disagreements is essential.

Ensure that all partners understand and agree to the dispute resolution processes outlined in the agreement, such as mediation or arbitration. Train partners and key personnel on these procedures to handle conflicts efficiently and respectfully.

Regularly revisiting the dispute resolution clause during partnership reviews can also help adapt it to new dynamics or legal standards, ensuring it remains an effective tool for conflict management.

This preparedness not only helps in resolving disputes amicably but also preserves the working relationship between partners, fostering a cooperative business environment.


Related Templates for Business Partnership Agreement

Arbitration Agreement

An arbitration agreement is either a standalone contract or a clause within a larger contract where two or more parties decide to settle disputes through arbitration instead of court litigation.

Arbitration, a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), involves a neutral third-party arbitrator or a panel who reviews the dispute details and delivers a decision that may be binding or non-binding, based on the agreement's stipulations.


Service Contract PDF Template

A service contract, often referred to as a service agreement or service level agreement (SLA), is a legally binding agreement that defines the framework under which a service provider offers services to a client. It details the nature of the service, payment conditions, length of service, and both parties' duties and responsibilities. This ensures that expectations are clear and both sides understand their roles within the contract.

Service contracts can differ greatly depending on the service type, industry, and the specific requirements of the involved parties. Whether you are a service provider or a client, it's crucial to carefully review and fully understand the terms of a service contract before agreeing to it.

Considering the potential legal and financial consequences, it's advisable for parties to seek legal advice when creating, reviewing, or negotiating a service contract.


You can also read about how to write a business contract.


Settlement Agreement PDF Template

Explore our Settlement Agreement Template available in PDF format, meticulously crafted with legal accuracy. It includes all vital provisions and clauses, ensuring that all parties are well-protected and clear on the terms. Use our template as a reliable resource for managing both business and personal disputes, helping to keep everyone aligned and secure.

This document, meticulously designed by legal professionals, covers every element of your agreement, from the smallest details to the most comprehensive clauses. It equips you to handle the complexities of dispute resolution with confidence and assurance.

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Creating a detailed Operating Agreement is crucial for any business, particularly for Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). Our Operating Agreement PDF Template acts as a thorough guide, presenting a comprehensive structure that encompasses all critical elements of your business operations.

It addresses everything from the roles and responsibilities of members, their voting rights, to how profits are distributed and the procedures for dissolving the business. This template ensures clarity and alignment among all stakeholders, setting clear expectations and goals.

LLC Operating Agreement

An LLC Operating Agreement is a legal contract that defines the management and operational protocols of a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Although not mandatory by law, this agreement is essential for multi-member LLCs as it sets out the operational framework of the business and aids in avoiding conflicts between members. For single-member LLCs, an operating agreement enhances the business's legitimacy and safeguards the owner’s limited liability status.


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