By Naaziyah IsmailFri. 12 Jul. 20243min Read

Free Legal Templates: Download Our Arbitration Agreement

An arbitration agreement resolves disputes through arbitration instead of court, with a neutral arbitrator making binding or non-binding decisions.
Free Legal Templates: Download Our Arbitration Agreement

When crafting an arbitration agreement, it's crucial to include clear terms and conditions, detailing the arbitration process, the arbitrator's authority, and the binding nature of the decision. Below are templates to help you create a comprehensive and effective arbitration agreement.

Naaziyah Ismail
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Naaziyah has written many tutorials on apps and software such as, Jira, Asana, Trello, and PDF Reader Pro. She excels at engagingly simplifying complex processes.


Download Arbitration Agreement

An arbitration agreement is a contract, or a clause within a contract, where parties consent to settle any disputes through arbitration instead of going to court.

Arbitration is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where a neutral third-party arbitrator, or a panel of arbitrators, listens to the dispute's details and makes a decision. This decision can be binding or non-binding, depending on the agreement's terms.


Key Sections of Arbitration Agreement

  • Scope of Arbitration: Specifies which disputes will be handled through arbitration, covering either all disputes from a contract or only specific types.
  • Selection of Arbitrator(s): Details the process for choosing an arbitrator or panel, potentially naming a specific arbitration organization (e.g., the American Arbitration Association) or criteria for selection.

  • Location: Indicates where the arbitration proceedings will occur.

  • Procedure: Defines the rules or procedures for the arbitration, or references external rules provided by an arbitration association.
  • Binding Arbitration: The arbitrator's decision is final and enforceable in court, with limited options for appeal.
  • Non-Binding Arbitration: The arbitrator's decision is advisory, allowing parties to seek legal remedies in court if unsatisfied.
  • Confidentiality: Often includes a clause to keep the dispute details and decision private.
  • Costs and Fees: Outlines how arbitration-related costs and fees will be divided between the parties.

  • Waiver of Class Action: May include a clause where parties waive the right to start or join class action lawsuits related to the dispute.
  • Governing Law: Specifies which jurisdiction's laws will apply to the arbitration proceedings and interpretation of the agreement.

Executive Summary

  • Scope of Arbitration

  • Define the types of disputes subject to arbitration.

    Example: "All disputes arising from this contract, including but not limited to, payment issues, contract interpretation, and service delivery."

    Selection of Arbitrator(s)

  • Outline the process for choosing an arbitrator or panel.

    Example: "The arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties or, if no agreement is reached, by the American Arbitration Association."


  • Specify where arbitration proceedings will occur.

    Example: "The arbitration will take place in New York, NY."


  • Describe the rules or procedures governing the arbitration.

    Example: "The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association."

    Binding vs. Non-Binding

  • Indicate whether the arbitration decision is final and enforceable.

    Example: "The arbitration decision will be binding on both parties and enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction."


  • Include a clause about the privacy of the arbitration process.

    Example: "All aspects of the arbitration, including the decision, shall remain confidential."

    Costs and Fees

  • Address how arbitration costs and fees will be divided.

    Example: "The costs of arbitration, including arbitrator fees, will be shared equally by both parties."

  • Waiver of Class Action

  • Specify if parties waive the right to class action lawsuits.

    Example: "The parties agree to waive any rights to initiate or participate in a class action lawsuit related to this dispute."

    Governing Law

  • State which jurisdiction's laws will govern the arbitration.

    Example: "The arbitration and the interpretation of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California."

"Mandatory arbitration clauses I think, more often than not, work to the detriment of working people"
Tom Perez-DiazTom Perez
Founder in Stealth
Source: LinkedIn

Maintain Clear Communication Channels

Establish and maintain clear communication channels with all parties involved in the arbitration. This includes your legal team, the opposing party, and the arbitrator.

Clear and open communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the arbitration proceedings.

Use written communication, such as emails and formal letters, to document all interactions and agreements. This documentation can be crucial if any disputes or misunderstandings arise during the arbitration process. Keeping thorough records also demonstrates your commitment to transparency and professionalism.

Adhere to Timelines and Deadlines

Timeliness is crucial in arbitration. Be aware of and adhere to all timelines and deadlines specified in the arbitration agreement and by the arbitrator. Missing a deadline can negatively impact your case and potentially lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Set reminders and create a schedule to keep track of important dates. This includes submission deadlines for documents, dates for arbitration sessions, and any other key milestones. By staying organized and punctual, you demonstrate respect for the arbitration process and the other parties involved.

Prepare for Arbitration Hearings

Thorough preparation is essential for arbitration hearings. Gather all necessary documents, evidence, and witness statements well in advance. Ensure that your legal team is fully briefed and prepared to present your case effectively.

Practice presenting your case with your legal team to refine your arguments and anticipate potential questions or challenges from the arbitrator. Being well-prepared increases your chances of a favorable outcome and shows your dedication to resolving the dispute fairly and efficiently.

"The minute that you go to arbitration, it's 100% confidential, so nobody ever hears about it"
Gretchen CarlsonGretchen Carlson 
Co-Founder at Lift Our Voices
Source: LinkedIn

Related Templates for Arbitration Agreement 

Employment Contract PDF Template

An employment contract is a formal written document between an employer and an employee, detailing the terms and conditions of employment. It specifies the obligations, rights, and expectations of both parties, serving as the foundation of the employment relationship.

This contract provides clarity and protection, ensuring that both employer and employee understand their roles and responsibilities.


An employment contract is essential in the professional realm, establishing a clear and beneficial relationship between employers and employees. Both parties should thoroughly review and understand the terms before signing and seek legal advice if necessary to ensure their interests are fully protected.

Mediation Settlement Agreement PDF Template

Use our detailed Mediation Settlement Agreement PDF Template to engage in a structured negotiation process. This comprehensive document is meticulously designed to include all essential details, ensuring both parties clearly understand and agree on the dispute resolution.


Opting for mediation to resolve disputes is a commendable decision. To ensure effective results, it's essential to have a well-drafted agreement in place.

Confidentiality Agreement

A confidentiality agreement (CA), also known as a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), is a legal contract between at least two parties that specifies confidential material, knowledge, or information to be shared for certain purposes while restricting access to it.

Examples include doctor–patient confidentiality, attorney–client privilege, priest–penitent privilege, bank–client confidentiality, and kickback agreements, which are often not formalized in written contracts between the parties.

Settlement Agreement PDF Template

Explore our Settlement Agreement Template in PDF format, meticulously crafted with legal accuracy. Each essential provision and clause is included, ensuring protection and clarity for all parties.

Whether addressing business or personal disputes, our template provides a reliable framework to keep everyone informed, secure, and in agreement.

Non Disclosure Agreement

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between at least two parties that specifies confidential material, knowledge, or information to be shared for specific purposes while restricting access to it. Employers often require employees to sign an NDA to protect trade secrets.


Certain business information is sensitive and should remain confidential. To safeguard your proprietary information, use a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to maintain your business's privacy. Utilize this professionally crafted Non-Disclosure Agreement Template to ensure your sensitive information stays protected.


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