PDF Technologies

Pay Your Employees Quickly with Our Fillable Pay Stub

Thu. 13 Feb. 20251983

If you are just starting your own business or need to implement a new pay stub template, it's helpful to have a guide to help you.

Use our free pay stub template as a stepping stone to creating your own pay stub or simply use our tips to start filling in employee information quickly and easily.


Megon Venter
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Megon is a B2B SaaS Content Writer with 7 years of experience in content strategy and execution. Her expertise lies in the creation of document management tutorials and product comparisons.


Make Use of Our Template Library

We have an extensive template library that includes legal, business and educational materials. Have a look and at our pay stub outline you can download below:

Important Information to Include

You may have your own specific list of aspects that you like to reflect on each pay stub and it may differ from person to person but for your convenience, we've listed some common ones below:

Category Description
Employee Information Name, employee ID, and address (optional)
Employer Information Company name, address, and contact information
Pay Period Start and end dates of the pay period
Pay Date Date on which the employee receives their payment
Gross Income Total earnings before deductions (salary, hourly wage, or overtime pay)
Deductions List of deductions, such as taxes (federal, state, and local), insurance, etc.
Net Income Amount employee takes home after all deductions
Overtime Pay If applicable, the extra pay for overtime hours worked
Bonuses Any additional earnings, like a performance bonus or commission
Hours Worked Total hours worked during the pay period (for hourly employees)
Leave or Time Off Paid or unpaid leave taken, vacation, or sick days
Tax Information Breakdown of taxes withheld (federal, state, Social Security, Medicare)
Retirement Contributions Amount contributed to retirement plans like 401(k) or pension plans
Other Benefits Contributions to health insurance, flexible spending accounts, etc.
Year-to-Date (YTD) Cumulative total of earnings, deductions, and other key figures for the year
Employer Contributions Employer's share of taxes, insurance, or retirement contributions

How to Fill in Your Pay Stub

There is not necessarily a wrong way to fill in a pay stub but it does help to have the right tools to do it. Follow this guideflow to do the annotation method or see an alternative way below:

Step 1: Download a PDF Filler (We recommend PDF Reader Pro's free trial)

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Step 2: Open Your PDF

Click "Open File" from the left-hand side.

Step 3: Click "Edit PDF" on the Menu Bar

This will allow you to click in to highlighted text boxes and add information.

Step 4: Save Your PDF

You can now email or save your pay stub to your desktop or mobile.

"PDF Reader Pro is the best way to fill out forms without needing to first select text fields and manually match fonts."
Johan Muller
B2B SaaS Media Analyst

We hope this guide has helped you feel more confident in your ability to run your business efficiently. We post weekly tutorials, so keep checking back in for more.

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