
How to Access a Full Version of PDF Reader Pro for iOS?

For Free Version User

If you download the free version PDF Reader Pro - Lite Edition from Apple App Store, you can do as below to access a full version of PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the advanced features:

1. For iPhone User:

    1) Open the app and go to Settings light_tabbar_ic_set@2x;

    2) Click the banner on the top, then a comparison table between free and paid version pops up;

2. For iPad User:

    1) Open the app and click Upgrade light_tabbar_ic_upgrade@2x (1) on the left sidebar;

    2) Then you will see a comparison table between the free and paid version;

3. Select between Premium and Permanent License as needed and click the price button to purchase;

4. Finish your payment and start to enjoy the advanced features of PDF Reader Pro;


If you cannot run the full version after the purchase, please restore your previous purchase inside the app. Click here to learn the steps about restoring your previous purchase.


For Paid Version Users

If you want to download the paid version, PDF Reader Pro - Sign,Edit PD‪F from Apple App Store, you can directly pay online first and install it on your iOS devices. And you can do as below to buy PDF to Office Pack to enjoy unlimited PDF conversion:

1. For iPhone user:

    1) Open the app and go to Settings light_tabbar_ic_set@2x;

    2) Click the banner on the top, then you can see details about PDF to Office Pack; 

2. For iPad User:

    1) Open the app and click Upgrade light_tabbar_ic_upgrade@2x (1) in the left sidebar;

    2) You can see details about PDF to Office Pack. Click the price button and be ready to purchase;

3. Finish your payment by following the on-screen instructions and enjoy unlimited PDF conversion;

4. If you cannot access PDF to Office feature after the purchase, please restore your previous purchase inside the app. Click here to learn the steps about restoring your previous purchase.


Notice: The price shown will differ because of the exchange rate in different regions.




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