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How to Add Watermark to PDF for iOS version

PDF Reader Pro for iOS allows you to add watermarks to your PDFs in a textual or image format. You are allowed to add different watermarks to one or more PDF documents. However, you need to add each of them separately. You can change the rotation and location of each watermark and specify the range of pages where it should be. 


Apply a Watermark to the Document

1. Enter your PDF file and click light_view_ic_toolkit.png, then choose Add Watermark;


2. You can choose to add Text or Image watermark on the top of your keyboard:

    1) Text: Directly type in the text box. Click light_scan_ic_set@2x on the top of the keyboard, where you can change the watermark's Color and Opacity. You can also set the Page Range to apply the watermark to all the pages or a specific page interval by clicking Select All or Page Range accordingly; 

    2) Image: Click the toggle and switch from Text to Image. Click light_view_ic_picture@2x so that you can select an image from your Photos. Or click 图标/light_view_watermark_ic_picture@2x to take a new photo as the image watermark. You can also modify the Opacity and set the Page Range for the image watermark;


3. Click Done twice on the top of your screen to add the watermark to your document.


If you need to Edit the watermark(s), please click here for more information and solve your problem.


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