Quick Guide for iOS

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How to Edit Watermark to PDF

PDF Reader Pro iOS allows you to add watermark with texts and images. You can also edit all the watermarks added to keep your documents safe and professional.


1. To edit the existed watermarks, click light_view_ic_toolkit@2x, then choose Edit Watermark;

2. If you have created multiple watermarks, you can swipe the interface to check all of them in the pop-up Edit watermark window;

3. Select a watermark that you want to edit, then click Edit and adjust the watermark’s type(text/image), color, opacity, position and page range. 

4. (Optional) Click Reset on the top right of your keyboard to restore to the default settings;

5. Click Done to finish editing the watermark;

6. To delete watermarks, click Delete in the pop-up Edit watermark window to remove the watermark.


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