Quick Guide for Windows

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How to Access File Info of Your Document

You can get some basic information about the opened documents via File Info when viewing it within PDF Reader Pro. All the properties associated with the document are divided into three sections, Abstract, Creation, and Access. Some of the information is made by the creators of this document, and some are automatically yielded. Note that PDF Reader Pro for Windows does not support modifying any of the information at the current stages.


1. To see the details about your document, tap 1619518056569432.png on the sidebar, or tap 1619518076347439.png at the top left corner and select File Info from the drop-down menu, or hold Ctrl + I;

2. A pop-up window will show the Abstract, Creation and Access information about the document.

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The name, title, and author are set by the person who creates the document through different source applications. The size and location are auto-generated, which correspondingly show the space the file takes up and the location it is saved on your device.



This area also shows automatically generated information such as the PDF version, the number of pages, the creator and producer, and the date the document was created and modified. 



It describes whether the PDF document has been imposed by any security constraint such as password, certificate, or security policy. You may also be informed if you have the right to copy or print the contents within the document.


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