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How to Add Stamps to PDFs?

Stamp tool plays an important role when you want to add some comments to your students' assignments, such as: Great, or give reviewers some advice about the document’s status. Watch the video to get a quick guide on using split view or follow the steps below.


1. Tap Tools on the toolbar and click Stamp subtoolbar_mytools_stamp . There are 3 types of stamps including Standard, Dynamic, and Custom;


  • Standard: You will get a bunch of ordinary stamps.

  • Dynamic: You can create a dynamic stamp including an author name and a date.

  • Custom: You can customize the stamp from Image Stamp or Text Stamp, followings are the steps that can tell you how to customize your stamp:

      1) Image Stamp: Click Image Stamp -> choose an image from files -> select the image and put the image where you want.

      2) Text Stamp: Click Text Stamp -> type the stamp text in the text box -> choose the style you prefer, and tick Date and Time to add them to the stamp if you need them.

16_2_Text stamp

2. Choose a stamp and put it as you wish;

3. Right-click the stamp to Delete, Copy, Note, or Cut.


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