Quick Guide for Windows

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How to Convert Image to PDF on windows_uwp?

With PDF Reader Pro you can easily convert your images (png, jpg, jepg, bmp, tiff, gif) into PDFs. All image quality and resolution will remain intact. No file size limit nor registration is required. 

1. Enter the reading page and tap Converter 1619517393658200.png ->  Image to PDF;

2. Click Add Files to import image files or tap 1619517416118469.png to take pictures and have them in the converting list;

3. Tap Abstract, you can set your file’s Title, Author, Subtitle, and The Permission allows you to set a password and set the permission for printing and copying;

4. Tap Layout, you can set Page Size, Page Margins and Page Number of your documents;

5. After setting your file information and page layouts, you can tap Save as PDF, then choose an output folder and you will get one PDF file.



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