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How to Create a PDF from Images on Android?


There are two ways for you to turn images to PDF documents, here are the steps you can follow:



Convert Images to PDFs

1. Choose PDF Tools on the sidebar and tap Image to PDF, there you can take photos or import photos from Gallery;

2. Then click Finish, here you can adjust them, and click Done;

3. Then you can change the filters and edit the photos;

4. Click Done, the image files will be automatically saved as PDF.






Scan images to PDFs

1. Choose Scan on the sidebar and click camera (1), there you can take photos or import photos from Gallery;

2. Then click Finish, here you can adjust them, and click Done;

3. Then you can change the filters and edit the photos;

4. After that, clickic-more-1and customize your Settings;

5.Or you can click Done, then tapic-more-1and choose Export to PDF.


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