Quick Guide for Windows

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How to Insert Shapes in PDF by PDF Reader Pro for Windows?


Apply a Shape

1. Enter reading page -> Tools 1619513276177890.png

2. Select between Rectangle ic_subtoolbar_mytools_rec@2x, Circle ic_subtoolbar_mytools_oval@2x, Arrow ic_subtoolbar_mytools_arrow@2x and Line ic_subtoolbar_mytools_line@2x on the toolbar to create simple shapes;

3. You can freely drag the mouse cursor to draw different shapes. If you want to create a square or perfect circle, press Shift while you draw with the Rectangle and Circle tool;


Edit the Shape

1. To resize the shape, select it and drag any corner/edge/endpoint to complete your adjustments;

2. To make further edits, you can first select the shape and then modify the Border Color, Line Width, Line TypeFill Color and Opacity of the shape in the Properties panel;

3. To remove the shape, right-click and select Delete. Alternatively, select the shape and press Delete on your keyboard.


Create a Note for Shapes

1. Select the shape that you want to comment on, then type in the Note box within the Properties panel;

2. Alternatively, first select the shape, right-click and choose Note ic_bianqian to make notes in the pop-up note box.




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