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How to Annotate PDFs on Android?

PDF Reader Pro supports a full set of annotation tools, you can annotate as you like. 


Show Annotation Tools

Annotation and markup tools will appear at the bottom of the reading page by default, you can swipe the bar to view all annotation tools including Anchored Note, Highlight, Underline, Strikeout, Squiggly, Freehand, Shape, Text Box, Signature, Stamp, Audio, Image, Link.

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Apply Annotation Tools

To add markups, follow the steps as below:

1. Open the file and enter the reading page;

2. Select the texts you want to annotate and tap Highlight / UnderlineStrikeout / Squiggly from the pop-up menu.

3. To annotate continuously, you need to select one of the annotation tools first, then choose the texts. 


Change Annotation Properties

1. Tap the annotation tool and change properties like Color and Opacity;

2. If you want to change the properties of a specific annotation, click on it and choose specific color from the context menu, and adjust the properties to your liking.

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