By Megon VenterMon. 17 Jun. 20243min Read

Banking Made Simple: How to Fill Out a Deposit Slip Example

A deposit slip example demonstrates the proper way to fill out a deposit form, ensuring accuracy in bank transactions and record-keeping.
Banking Made Simple: How to Fill Out a Deposit Slip Example

A deposit slip template is a pre-formatted document used by individuals and businesses to specify the amount of money they are depositing into a bank account.

PDF Reader Pro offers a highly efficient deposit slip template that streamlines the deposit process, saving users valuable time and reducing errors. By using this template, you avoid the complexity and potential mistakes of creating a deposit slip from scratch.

Megon Venter
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Megon is a B2B SaaS Content Writer with 7 years of experience in content strategy and execution. Her expertise lies in the creation of document management tutorials and product comparisons.

Download Deposit Slip Template

A deposit slip is a concise paper document that a bank customer uses when adding funds to a bank account. It includes details like the date, depositor's name, account number, and the amounts being deposited, specifying whether the funds are in cash, checks, or a combination. Additionally, it can indicate if the depositor requests cash back from a check. This slip acts as verification that the bank has received the funds from the customer.


Key Sections of Deposit Slip

  • Date: The exact date when the deposit is made.
  • Depositor’s Name: The name of the person or entity making the deposit.
  • Account Number: The specific bank account number where the funds will be deposited.
  • Transaction Type: Indication of whether the deposit includes cash, checks, or a combination of both.
  • Cash Amount: Total sum of cash being deposited.
  • Check Details: A breakdown of each check being deposited, including the check number and amount.
  • Subtotal: The total amount of checks and cash before any cash back.
  • Cash Back: The amount of cash a depositor wishes to receive back from the transaction, if any.
  • Total Deposit: The net amount being deposited into the account after cash back.
  • Signature: The depositor’s signature to authorize the transaction and confirm the accuracy of the information provided.
  • Branch Information: Details about the bank branch where the deposit is being made, if necessary.

Each section is essential for accurately processing the deposit and ensuring that funds are correctly allocated to the depositor's account, providing a clear and traceable record of the transaction.

“It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
Robert Kiyosaki
American businessman and author
Source: LinkedIn

Executive Summary


  • Indicates the specific date when the deposit transaction is conducted.

  • Essential for aligning the transaction with financial reporting and auditing processes.

    Example: This section acts as a chronological marker, ensuring that every transaction is accurately logged and traceable over time.

Depositor's Name:

  • Lists the name of the individual or entity making the deposit.

  • Critical for associating the transaction with a specific account holder and for verification purposes.

    Example: Similar to a signature on a formal letter, this section personalizes and secures the transaction, linking it directly to the depositor's identity.

Account Number:

  • Specifies the account number where the funds will be deposited.

  • Directs the deposit to the correct account, preventing errors in fund allocation.

    Example: This section functions like an address on an envelope, ensuring the deposit reaches the intended destination within the bank’s network.

    Denomination Quantity Total
    $1 5 $5
    $5 2 $10
    $10 3 $30
    $20 4 $80
    $50 1 $50
    Total Cash $175


Transaction Type:

  • Denotes whether the deposit includes cash, checks, or both.

  • Helps tailor the bank's processing method to the form of deposit.

    Example: Identifies the nature of the transaction, guiding the bank in how to handle the incoming funds efficiently.

Cash Amount:

  • Total sum of all cash being deposited.

  • Key for updating the cash balance of the account.

    Example: This acts as a quantifier, measuring the physical currency flow into the account.

Check Details:

  • Details for each check, including check number and amount.

  • Allows for individual verification and reconciliation of each check deposited.

    Example: Each check detail listed is akin to an itemized receipt, providing clear, item-by-item accountability.


  • Total amount of the deposit before any cash is dispensed back to the depositor.

  • Provides an initial total that helps in preliminary financial checks.

    Example: Serves as a pre-calculation snapshot, similar to a subtotal on a sales invoice.

Cash Back:

  • Amount of cash the depositor wishes to receive back from their deposit.

  •  Adjusts the total deposit and fulfills the depositor's immediate cash requirements.

    Example: Acts like a refund in a transaction, adjusting the net deposit based on the depositor's needs.

Total Deposit:

  • Net amount deposited into the account after any cash back.

  • Reflects the actual increase in the account balance post-transaction.

    Example: This is the bottom line, similar to the total on a bill, showing the final amount added to the account.

    Check Number Bank Amount
    123456 Bank of America $1,200
    789012 Chase $500
    345678 Wells Fargo $750
    Total Checks $2,450


  • The depositor’s signature, authorizing the transaction.

  •  Legally binds the transaction, confirming that the depositor acknowledges and approves the details recorded.

    Example: Like signing a contract, this section finalizes the transaction, marking it as agreed and verified by the depositor.

“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.”
Benjamin Franklin
American inventor and diplomat

Verify the Transaction

After submitting a deposit slip, it is crucial to ensure that the transaction is processed correctly by your bank. This involves checking your bank account either online or through a bank statement to confirm that the deposited amount has been accurately credited to your account.

Immediate verification can help detect any discrepancies early, such as missing funds or errors in the deposit amount. If there are any issues, contacting your bank promptly will facilitate quick resolution, minimizing potential complications in your financial management.

Keep Records of the Deposit

Maintaining a copy of the deposit slip for your records is essential once the transaction is submitted. This serves as proof of the deposit and can be invaluable for personal financial tracking or business accounting purposes.

By keeping records, you ensure you have the necessary documentation for tax purposes, future audits, or simply for cross-referencing against your bank statements. Organizing these slips by date or transaction type can also streamline any financial reviews or budget analyses you might conduct later.

Read about registration confirmation PDF template, enhancing document workflows and user interaction.


Related Templates for Deposit Slip

Here are some relevant templates that could complement it, enhancing organization and documentation for various meeting-related needs:

1. Deposit Receipt PDF Template

In the complex world of financial exchanges, the Deposit Receipt serves as a critical marker of clarity and trust. This essential document verifies the receipt of funds, whether for business transactions, real estate dealings, or any contract that requires a deposit.

Our carefully crafted template ensures every important detail is noted, including the payer's information, the deposit amount, date, purpose, and conditions of the deposit. It does more than just confirm payment; it embodies a pledge of integrity, protecting both parties from potential conflicts and misunderstandings.

2. Self-Employment Ledger Template
A Self-Employment Ledger is a crucial tool for anyone running their own business, as it systematically tracks all income and expenses related to self-employed activities. This ledger is vital for maintaining precise financial records, monitoring cash flow, and complying with fiscal reporting obligations. With a comprehensive self-employment ledger, business owners can efficiently manage their finances, prepare for tax season, and provide necessary documentation to verify their financial activities.

3. Profit and Loss Statement  PDF Template

A Profit and Loss Statement (P&L), also known as an income statement or earnings report, is a financial document that details the revenues, expenses, and costs incurred over a specific period, such as a fiscal quarter or year. This statement plays a pivotal role in revealing how a company can generate profits by either boosting revenue, cutting costs, or implementing a combination of both.


The P&L statement is essential for managers, investors, and stakeholders to assess the financial performance and profitability of a company. It is one of the core financial statements, alongside the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, that provides a comprehensive overview of a company's financial health.

Learn how to accurately complete a commercial invoice template, streamlining your international transactions and enhancing compliance with customs requirements.

4. Zero Income Statement Template
A zero-income statement is a form used to verify that an individual or a member of a household has not earned any income and thus qualifies for financial help. Utilize our PDF software to easily generate a zero-income statement at no cost.

Once you've entered your details into the Deposit Slip Template, you can save your filled-out form as a PDF file with just a click of the download button. Should you need to make further adjustments or re-enter information, you can use PDF Reader Pro for Mac or Windows.

This software enhances your ability to edit and customize the deposit slip easily, ensuring that all your banking transactions are recorded accurately. Download the latest version of PDF Reader Pro, available for a free trial, using the link below to access advanced features like editing and annotations for your deposit slips.

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