By Johan MüllerThu. 15 Feb. 20243min Read

How to Use a PDF Link Generator

A PDF link generator is a handy tool that helps you create clickable links to PDF files. Learn how to use a PDF Raeder Pro's linking features.
How to Use a PDF Link Generator

In a number of scenarios, adding hyperlinks to a PDF document might be helpful.

Adding hyperlinks to PDFs is mostly done to give readers an easy way to obtain more information or resources relevant to the document's content. Include a connection, for instance, to a website that offers more detailed information on a certain subject.

Johan Müller
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Like any other writer, his path crossed with the SaaS industry. For over three years, he has been combining his SEO and writing skills to create informative listicles, comparisons, and tutorial posts.

How to use a PDF link generator on Windows

Adding hyperlinks to a PDF document can enhance its interactivity. Follow these steps to use a PDF Link Generator on Windows.

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Step 1: Open your PDF document

Begin by opening the PDF document to which you want to add a hyperlink. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to edit the file.

Step 2: Click on the "Tools" feature and then select the "Link" tool

Locate the "Tools" feature in your PDF editor and select the "Link" tool from the available options. This tool is essential for creating clickable links within the document.

Step 3: Use the "Selection Tool"

Once the "Link" tool is activated, use the "Selection Tool" to click and drag a box around the text or image within the PDF that you want to turn into a hyperlink. This could be a word, phrase, or image.

Step 4: Head to the "Link" menu on the right of your screen

Navigate to the "Link" menu, typically located on the right side of your screen. Look for options related to hyperlinking, and select "URL" as the type of link you want to create.

Step 5: Choose "URL" and add your link under the "URL" field

In the "Link" menu, select the option for a "URL" link. A field for the URL will appear. Enter the web address or destination link that you want the selected text or image to point to.

Step 6: Confirm your new link's addition by clicking "Go"

Before finalizing the process, confirm the addition of your new link by clicking a button like "Go" or "OK." This step ensures that the hyperlink is properly applied to the selected text or image.

"Using PDF Reader Pro has made my daily workday so much easier. I can do everything I need, like combining files or adding notes, all in one place. It speeded my document management and every task I work on."
Johan Müller
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

How to use a PDF link generator on Mac

Adding hyperlinks to your PDF document on a Mac is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to utilize a PDF Link Generator:

Step 1: Click on the "Tools" menu

Open your PDF document on your Mac, then locate and click on the "Tools" menu at the top of the screen. This menu is where you'll find various options for editing and enhancing your PDF.

Step 2: Click on the "Link" tool

Once in the "Tools" menu, select the "Link" tool from the available options. This tool is essential for creating clickable links within the PDF document.

Step 3: Highlight the area you would like to add a link to

Using the "Link" tool, click and drag to highlight the specific area of text or an image where you want to insert a hyperlink.

Step 4: Go to the "Link" menu, select "Hyperlink," and add your URL

Navigate to the "Link" menu, often located at the top or side of your screen. Choose the "Hyperlink" option, and a dialog box will appear. Enter your URL in the designated field and click "Go" to confirm the link addition.

Step 5: Click on the "PDF" menu at the top of your screen

Once you've added the hyperlink, go to the "PDF" menu at the top of your screen. This menu typically contains additional options for working with PDFs.

Step 6: Click "Highlight Links"

In the "PDF" menu, find and click on the "Highlight Links" option. This step ensures that the added links are visually distinguishable within the document.

When should you implement a hyperlink?

Inserting anchor links is beneficial in various scenarios to enhance navigation and improve the user experience on a webpage. Here are four points explaining when you should insert anchor links:

Long Content Pages

Users may find it challenging to scroll through the entire page to locate specific information in lengthy web pages with extensive content. By inserting anchor links, you create direct links to different sections or topics within the same page. Users can easily jump to the relevant content, saving time and effort.

Table of Contents

A table of contents at the beginning of the page can provide an overview of the content for websites or articles with a comprehensive structure. By using anchor links, each table of contents item can be linked directly to the corresponding section, allowing users to navigate directly to the content they are interested in.

Multi-Page Articles or Tutorials

In cases where content is divided into multiple pages, anchor links can create smooth transitions between sections. Readers can move seamlessly from one part of the article or tutorial to another without returning to the main index or homepage.

Forms and Surveys

When designing web forms or surveys, anchor links can guide users through different sections of the form. This is particularly helpful for long forms, where users might want to review or edit specific sections without scrolling through the entire form. Each section can have its anchor link, facilitating a more user-friendly form-filling experience.

"PDF Reader Pro's AI Rewrite and Summarize features are super helpful. They make editing and understanding long documents so much easier and faster."
Johan Müller
B2B SaaS Content Writer
Source: LinkedIn

Why isn't my hyperlink clickable?

Incorrect Formatting:

Ensure that the hyperlink is properly formatted with the correct HTML or Markdown syntax. In HTML, a hyperlink should be enclosed within tags, like Click here. Additionally, confirm that the href attribute contains a valid and complete URL.

Incomplete URL:

Double-check the URL to ensure it is accurate and includes the necessary protocol (e.g., "http://" or "https://"). Ensure that there are no typos or missing characters in the URL. If the URL includes special characters, consider encoding them using percent encoding.

Missing Protocol:

Include the appropriate protocol in the hyperlink. For example, use "" instead of "" The protocol is crucial for browsers to interpret the link correctly and navigate to the intended destination.

Viewer Restrictions:

Test the PDF in different viewers to ensure compatibility. Adobe Acrobat and other popular PDF readers generally support clickable hyperlinks. If the issue persists, check the settings of the PDF viewer for any restrictions related to hyperlinks. Consider advising users to use a PDF viewer that supports interactive elements.

Security Settings:

Review the security settings of the PDF document or the settings within the PDF viewer. Ensure that the document's security settings permit the use of hyperlinks. If security restrictions are in place, you may need to adjust them to allow hyperlinks to function properly.

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