By Megon VenterWed. 26 Jun. 20242min Read

Fill and Send Our Resignation Letter Template

Use our resignation letter template to professionally resign from your position or provide a way for other employees to do so.
Fill and Send Our Resignation Letter Template

Whether you’re leaving for a new opportunity, personal reasons, or career growth, it’s essential to resign professionally and courteously using the correct employment template.

To help simplify this process, we’ve created a resignation letter template that you can fill out and send to your employer. Let’s explore how to use it effectively.

Megon Venter
Blog Author | B2B SaaS Content Writer
Megon is a B2B SaaS Content Writer with 7 years of experience in content strategy and execution. Her expertise lies in the creation of document management tutorials and product comparisons.

Why Use a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter serves as a formal notice of your intent to leave your current position. Here’s why it’s important:

Formal Communication

It documents your decision to resign in writing, ensuring clarity and avoiding misunderstandings.


It reflects your professionalism and respect for the organization, leaving a positive final impression.

Legal Requirement

In many places, providing written notice is a legal requirement, protecting both you and your employer.

How to Use Our Resignation Letter Template

Below is a template you can use as a basis for crafting your resignation letter. Feel free to personalize it to fit your situation and relationship with your employer.

Start by customizing the template to fit your specific situation. Replace the placeholders with your own information such as:

  • Your Name: Replace "[Your Name]" with your full name.

  • Your Address: Input your current address.

  • City, State, Zip Code: Fill in your city, state, and zip code.

  • Email Address: Provide your email address.

  • Phone Number: Include your phone number.

  • Date: Write down the date you are composing the letter.

  • Employer’s Name: Insert your employer’s name.

  • Company Name: Add the name of the company you are resigning from.

  • Company Address: Input the company’s address.

  • City, State, Zip Code: Fill in your city, state, and zip code.

Do Don't
1. Use a formal business letter format: 1. Don’t use informal language: Avoid casual or overly personal language. Keep it professional.
- Begin with your contact information - Use slang or abbreviations.
- Include the date - Include unnecessary details or grievances.
- Address the letter to your supervisor or HR - Criticize colleagues, management, or the company.
2. Clearly state your intention to resign: 2. Don’t leave without giving notice: Provide the appropriate notice period (usually two weeks).
- Specify your last working day - Resign via text message, social media, or email without a formal letter.
3. Express gratitude: 3. Don’t burn bridges: Maintain a positive tone, even if your experience was challenging.
- Thank your employer for the opportunities - Make demands or threats.
- Mention skills or experiences gained - Leave without offering to assist with the transition.
4. Offer to help with the transition: 4. Don’t forget to proofread: Check for grammatical errors and typos.
- State your willingness to assist - Submit a hastily written or incomplete letter.
- Provide contact information for follow-up - Send a resignation letter without discussing your decision with your supervisor first.
5. Keep it concise and professional: 5. Don’t discuss salary or benefits: These matters should be addressed separately if needed.
- Stick to one page if possible - Include confidential information or company secrets.
- Be respectful and polite throughout - Use the letter as a platform to vent frustrations.
6. Close on a positive note: 6. Don’t neglect to follow up: Ensure your resignation is acknowledged and processed by HR.
- Express well wishes for the future - Assume your resignation is immediate; confirm your last working day.

Tips for Using the Template

It’s not only a professional courtesy but also a document that can help maintain a positive relationship with your employer and colleagues.


Customize the template with your specific details, such as your name, job title, last working day, and contact information.

Be Concise

Keep the letter brief and to the point, focusing on your resignation and willingness to facilitate a smooth transition.

Express Gratitude

Acknowledge the opportunities and experiences you’ve had at the company, expressing gratitude for your time there.

Stay Positive

Maintain a positive tone throughout the letter, even if your reason for leaving is less than ideal.


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Once you’ve filled out the resignation letter template and personalized it to reflect your situation, print it on professional letterhead if possible, or send it as a PDF via email.

It’s courteous to deliver a printed copy to your immediate supervisor or HR manager in person, followed by an electronic copy for their records.

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