By Darya SemchukThu. 12 Sep. 20247min Read

"The Cheat Sheet" By Sarah Adams: Download & Read In PDF

The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams is a delightful romantic comedy that follows Bree Camden and Nathan Donelson on a friends-to-lovers journey.
"The Cheat Sheet" By Sarah Adams: Download & Read In PDF

The Cheat Sheet image

Image source: Goodreads

  • Book Title: The Cheat Sheet
  • Author: Sarah Adams
  • Year Published: August 17, 2021
  • Goodreads Rating: 3.72/5
  • Availability: Buy the PDF from Google Play Books


After you have purchased The Cheat Sheet, follow these instructions to download it from Google Play Books in PDF format:

  1. Click on the "Books" tab at the top of your screen.
  2. Click on the "Your Library" link beneath that.
  3. Find your book and click the icon with three dots beneath the cover image.
  4. Select "Export" and then "Export as PDF".  


"There are things i can nitpick about this book, but overall, so wholesome, so cute, and just a very light and fluffy read. It’s what i wanted and what i expected, so I really enjoyed it."
Book Reviewer
Source: Goodreads


How to Read The Cheat Sheet in PDF Format

The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams is a charming friends-to-lovers romance with humor, heart, and plenty of swoon-worthy moments.

The story follows Bree and Nathan, best friends who are secretly in love with each other but too scared to admit it. Their journey is filled with lighthearted banter and emotional depth, making it an enjoyable and relatable read.

Using PDF Reader Pro, you can highlight your favorite scenes, make notes, and easily navigate through the book’s funniest or most romantic moments. 


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Our Review of The Cheat Sheet

"The Cheat Sheet" by Sarah Adams is a delightful and heartwarming romantic comedy that caters to fans of the friends-to-lovers theme.

The narrative follows Bree, the proprietor of a dance studio, and Nathan, a prominent NFL athlete, who have shared a close friendship for many years yet struggle to confront their burgeoning romantic feelings.

The plot thickens when a viral news story prompts them to fabricate a romantic relationship, leading to a series of endearing, humorous, and somewhat awkward moments.

Readers have praised the palpable chemistry between the characters and the vibrant dynamic that sustains the story's appeal without veering into excessive melodrama.

Notably, Sarah Adams is renowned for her expertise in crafting clean romances, making "The Cheat Sheet" a particularly attractive option for readers seeking romantic tension without explicit content.

The book has garnered acclaim for its accessible writing style, moments of genuine hilarity, and authentic emotional resolutions. For those who enjoy romantic comedies that expertly balance levity and heartfelt moments, "The Cheat Sheet" is undoubtedly a triumph.

Additionally, readers appreciate the narrative's thematic focus on friendship, illustrating how deep connections can organically evolve into profound romantic entanglements, further solidifying its status as a compelling and worthwhile read.

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