By Johan MüllerFri. 12 Jul. 20243min Read

Send in Your Two Weeks Notice Letter With Our Template

PDF Reader Pro's template for a Two Weeks Notice Letter is especially valuable because it saves time and reduces the risk of errors.
Send in Your Two Weeks Notice Letter With Our Template

A Two Weeks Notice Letter template is designed to streamline the process of formally resigning from a job. This template ensures that all necessary details are covered, providing a professional and courteous notice to employers.

By using a standardized format, employees can effectively communicate their intentions without missing key components, such as the final working day and the offer to assist in the transition.

Johan Müller
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Writer
Like any other writer, his path crossed with the SaaS industry. For over three years, he has been combining his SEO and writing skills to create informative listicles, comparisons, and tutorial posts.

Download Two Weeks Notice Letter 

A two weeks' notice letter is an official notification given by an employee to their employer, indicating that they plan to leave their job in two weeks. This practice is widely recognized, particularly in the U.S., as a professional standard.

Offering two weeks' notice is seen as a respectful gesture, providing the employer sufficient time to manage the employee's exit, delegate responsibilities, or start searching for a new hire.

Keep in mind that how you deliver your notice (via email or a hard copy) and what it includes can differ based on the company's culture, the specifics of your role, and your personal preferences.

If you're unsure, opt for the delivery method that aligns best with the professional standards of your organization.

"It’s important to leave your current job with your relationship and reputation intact. By giving your employer notice, you maintain the goodwill you’ve cultivated while working there and can facilitate a smooth transition"
Melody GodfredMelody Godfred 
Founder of Write in Color
Source: LinkedIn

Key Sections of Two Weeks Notice Letter

  • Your Contact Information: This should include your full name, address, and other relevant contact details.
  • Date: The date when you are handing in your letter.
  • Employer's Contact Information: Include the name of your supervisor or HR contact, their job title, and the address of the company.

  • Salutation: Start with a formal greeting, such as "Dear [Supervisor's Name]."
  • Statement of Resignation: Clearly state that you are resigning from your role, specifying that you are providing a two weeks' notice. For guidance, you might consider using our Formal Resignation Letter PDF Template.

  • Last Working Day: Specify the date you intend to finish your employment.
  • Reason for Leaving (optional): You can include a concise reason for leaving; ensure to maintain a positive or neutral tone.
  • Offer of Assistance: Mention your willingness to assist with the transition, possibly by training someone new or transferring responsibilities.
  • Thank You Section: Express appreciation for the opportunities and experiences gained during your time with the company.

  • Closing and Signature: Conclude with a formal closing, like "Sincerely" or "Regards," leave space for your signature if it’s a printed letter, and type your name below.

Executive Summary 

Introduction Section

  • This section should succinctly convey the purpose of the letter, which is to formally announce your resignation.

  • Clearly state that this letter serves as your two weeks' notice of resignation from the company.


For example, you could start with: "Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position with [Company Name], effective [Date]. This serves as my two weeks' notice."

Contact Information

  • Start by listing your full name, address, and the date at the top of the letter.

  • Include your employer's name, their title if applicable, and the company’s address.


Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address

Employer’s Name
Their Title
Company’s Name
Company’s Address


  • Use a professional greeting followed by the name of your supervisor or HR representative.

  • Ensure the tone remains respectful and professional.


"Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],"

Body of the Letter

  • Clearly state your intention to resign and mention the effective date, confirming it aligns with the two weeks' notice.

  • Express gratitude for the opportunities provided during your tenure.


"I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective [Date]. I appreciate the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last [number] years."

Conclusion and Offer of Assistance

  • Offer to assist with the transition process, mentioning any specific ways you can help.

  • Conclude on a positive note, expressing hope for the company’s future success.


"I am willing to help train my replacement and will ensure that all my reports are updated before my last day of work. Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of [Company Name]. I hope we can stay in touch, and I look forward to seeing how the company continues to grow."

"Ultimately, it’s best for your final days at a company to be positive. You want your boss and former colleagues to remember you as a helpful, kind, and collaborative team member"
Lauren McGoodwin
Career Contessa Founder
Source: LinkedIn



Follow-Up Communication

After submitting your two weeks' notice, it's crucial to keep communication channels open with your employer. This means being available to discuss the details of your departure, including your final tasks and any outstanding obligations. It's also a chance to clarify any questions your employer might have about the transition and your final work period.

Often, employers will schedule an exit interview or a final meeting to discuss your time with the company and gather feedback. Be prepared for these discussions and approach them as opportunities to leave on a positive note, offering constructive feedback and expressing gratitude for the opportunities you've received.

Read how to 
fill and send resignation letter here. 

Transitioning Responsibilities

If your role is to be filled immediately by another person, offer to train your replacement during your remaining time. Provide thorough training to ensure a smooth transition. Share essential resources, documents, and contacts that they will need to succeed in their new role.

Start documenting your current projects and daily tasks to leave a clear guideline for whoever takes over your responsibilities. This documentation should include status updates, key contacts, passwords (if appropriate), and any other necessary operational details that will help your successor maintain continuity after your departure.

Handling Your Last Days

During your last days, it's important to stay professional and proactive. Continue to fulfill your duties diligently, maintaining the quality of your work. Your final days are as significant as your first; they can leave a lasting impression that might impact future references or professional relationships.

Participate in any farewell activities organized by colleagues or the company. These activities are not just about saying goodbye, but also about networking and leaving a positive lasting impression. Engage positively with your colleagues, thank them for their collaboration, and exchange contact information for future networking opportunities.

You can also read about writing a resignation email. 

Related Templates for Two Weeks Notice Letter  

Employee Termination Checklist

Navigating the process of employee termination involves addressing legal, ethical, and professional considerations. It’s crucial not just to end the employment relationship, but to do so in a manner that respects both the employee and the organization, mitigating potential issues and preserving professional relationships.

Our Employee Termination Checklist PDF Template provides a structured guide through each step of the termination process, ensuring it is conducted with care and precision.

In the modern workplace, managing a termination process with grace and compliance is crucial. It's not just about adhering to legal requirements but also about maintaining the organization's reputation and reducing the emotional impact on everyone involved.

Simple Resignation Letter

A simple resignation letter is a concise document that formally announces an employee's decision to resign from their job. Unlike detailed resignation letters, it is brief and to the point, omitting extensive explanations or feedback.

Even if you decide to write a brief resignation letter, it is still crucial to have an in-person discussion with your manager about your decision to resign, ideally before submitting your letter.

Strategic Plan PDF Template

Strategic planning is essential for any organization's success, defining long-term objectives and the steps needed to achieve them.


Our Strategic Plan PDF Template simplifies this process, providing a clear, cohesive roadmap that ensures direction and clarity for your organization's future.

Thank You Letter PDF Template

A "Thank You" letter, whether handwritten, emailed, or printed, serves as a gesture of gratitude and appreciation. It expresses thanks and demonstrates that you value the recipient's effort, gift, or gesture.

The most effective thank you letters are those that are genuine and timely. While it’s important to be polite and follow proper conventions, the sincerity of your gratitude will be most evident if you send your note promptly and personalize it to the individual and the situation.


After downloading template, if you need to fill in it or modify the content of template on your Mac,  you may need a powerful PDF editor for Mac. Using PDF Reader Pro, you can add your own details and use this template design for your own needs, edit the PDF more conveniently.

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