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Fitness Progress Chart for Women PDF Template

What is a Fitness Progress Chart For Women?

A fitness progress chart for women is a tracking tool designed to monitor and visualize various physical measurements and fitness indicators over time. This chart helps women keep track of changes in their weight, body measurements (such as chest, waist, hips, wrist, and forearm), and body composition metrics like lean body weight, body fat weight, body fat percentage, and Body Mass Index (BMI). By regularly updating these measurements, users can assess their progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions about their fitness routines and health goals.


How to Fill in Our Fitness Progress Chart For Women PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the Fitness Progress Chart For Women template:

  • Height (m)

    • Enter your height in meters.

  • Height (cm)

    • Enter your height in centimeters.

  • Total (cm)

    • Ensure the total height in centimeters is correct.

  • Date

    • Input the date when the measurements were taken.

  • Weight (kg)

    • Record your weight in kilograms.

  • Chest (cm)

    • Measure and enter the circumference of your chest in centimeters.

  • Waist (cm)

    • Measure and enter the circumference of your waist in centimeters.

  • Hips (cm)

    • Measure and enter the circumference of your hips in centimeters.

  • Wrist (cm)

    • Measure and enter the circumference of your wrist in centimeters.

  • Forearm (cm)

    • Measure and enter the circumference of your forearm in centimeters.

Automatically Calculated Fields:

  • Estimated Lean Body Weight

    • This value will be automatically calculated based on the input measurements.

  • Estimated Body Fat Weight

    • This value will be automatically calculated based on the input measurements.

  • Estimated Body Fat Percentage

    • This percentage will be automatically calculated based on the input measurements.

  • Estimated Body Mass Index (BMI)

    • This index will be automatically calculated based on the input measurements.

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