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General Education Planner PDF Template

What is a General Education Planner?

A general education planner is a structured tool designed to help students navigate and complete the foundational coursework required for their degree programs. It outlines essential courses across various disciplines such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics, ensuring students gain a well-rounded education. By organizing these courses into clusters, the planner provides a clear pathway for fulfilling university-wide education requirements, enhancing critical thinking, communication, and quantitative skills, and promoting a broader understanding of the human experience. This comprehensive approach ensures students develop the necessary knowledge and abilities to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.


How to Fill in Our General Education Planner PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the General Education Planner template:

  • Cluster One: Skills for the 21st Century

    • Critical Thinking (C1CT): Choose one course from options like BUS 160, HIST 150, ISAT 160, SMAD 150, PHIL 120, or PHIL 150.

    • Human Communication (C1HC): Choose one course from SCOM 121, SCOM 122, or SCOM 123.

    • Writing (C1W): Enroll in WRTC 103.

    • Information Literacy Requirement: Pass MREST by the specified date.

  • Cluster Two: Arts and Humanities

    • Human Questions and Contexts (C2HQC): Select one course such as AMST 200, ANTH 205, HIST 101, HIST 102, HUM 250, HUM 251, HUM 252, PHIL 101, REL 101, or REL 102.

    • Visual and Performing Arts (C2VPA): Choose from ART 200, ARTH 205, ARTH 206, MUS 200, MUS 203, MUS 206, or THEA 210.

    • Literature (C2L): Select one course like ENG 221, ENG 222, ENG 235, ENG 236, ENG 239, ENG 247, ENG 248, ENG 260, or HUM 200.

  • Cluster Three: The Natural World

    • Quantitative Reasoning (C3QR): Choose one course from ISAT 151, ISAT 251, MATH 103, MATH 105, MATH 107*, MATH 205, MATH 220, MATH 229, MATH 231, MATH 233, or MATH 235.

    • Physical Principles (C3PP): Select one course such as ASTR 120, ASTR 121, CHEM 120, CHEM 131, ISAT 100, ISAT 112, ISCI 101, ISCI 172*, PHYS 121, PHYS 140, PHYS 215, or PHYS 240.

    • Natural Systems (C3NS): Choose from BIO 140, BIO 222, BIO 270, ANTH 196, BIO 103, GEOL 110, GEOL 200, GEOL 210, GEOL 211, GEOL 102, GEOL 115, ISAT 113, ISCI 171*, or PSYC 122.

    • Lab Experience: Enroll in a lab course such as ISCI 104, ISCI 173*, or a lab-inclusive course from Physical Principles or Natural Systems.

  • Cluster Four: Social and Cultural Processes

    • The American Experience (C4AE): Choose one course from HIST 225, JUST 225, or POSC 225.

    • The Global Experience (C4GE): Select one course such as AAAD 200, ANTH 195, ECON 200, GEOG 200, POSC 200, or SOCI 110.

      • Note: Students taking POSC 200 & POSC 225  can only use one towards Cluster Four credit.

  • Cluster Five: Individuals in the Human Community

    • Wellness Domain (C5W): Choose between HTH 100 or KIN 100.

    • Sociocultural Domain (C5SD): Select one course from PSYC 101, PSYC 160, SOCI 140, or WGSS 200.

  • Fine Print and Notes

    • Refer to the JMU catalog or website for detailed program outcomes, requirements, and policies.

    • Use the Academic Requirements section in MyMadison for real-time updates on your general education progress.

    • Remember, this worksheet is a planning tool and it’s the student’s responsibility to verify and adjust their course schedule as needed

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