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Monthly Bookkeeping Record PDF Template

What is a Monthly Bookkeeping Record?

A Monthly Bookkeeping Record is a comprehensive financial document that captures all business-related financial activities within a given month. It includes detailed records of receipts, expenses, and other financial transactions, enabling businesses to track their financial performance, monitor cash flow, and ensure accurate accounting. This record is essential for maintaining organized financial statements, facilitating tax preparation, and supporting strategic decision-making within the business.


How to Fill in Our Monthly Bookkeeping Record PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the Monthly Bookkeeping Record template:

  • Month: Enter the month for which you are recording the transactions.

  • Year: Record the year corresponding to the month.

  • Prepared by: Fill in the name of the person preparing the record.

Receipts from Business / Profession Section

  • Day: Enter the day of the month for each transaction.

  • Reference: Assign a reference number for tracking purposes.

  • Gross: Record the total amount received before any deductions.

  • Net: Record the amount received after deductions.

Expenses Section

  • Day: Enter the day of the month when each expense occurred.

  • Reference: Assign a reference number for each expense.

  • Item: Describe the item or service for which the expense was incurred.

  • Heading: Categorize the expense under the appropriate heading (e.g., Materials, Accounting, Publicity).

  • This month: Record the amount spent on each item during the current month.

  • Up to current month: Record the cumulative amount spent on each item up to the current month.

Subtotals Section

  • Monthly total: Sum up all amounts recorded in the "This month" column.

  • Up to current month: Sum up all amounts recorded in the "Up to current month" column.

  • Total year to date: Sum up the cumulative total for the year.

Non-Deductible Section

  • Payables: Record amounts payable.

  • Income Tax: Record any income tax expenses.

  • Loans: Record amounts related to loans.

  • Interest: Record interest expenses.

  • Personal: Record personal expenses, if any.

  • Fixed assets: Record expenses related to fixed assets.

  • Monthly total: Sum up all non-deductible expenses for the month.

  • Amount up to current month: Record the cumulative total of non-deductible expenses up to the current month.

Notes & Comments Section

  • Provide any additional notes or comments relevant to the financial transactions recorded for the month.

Details of Monthly Expenditures Section

  • Materials purchased via cash & check:

    • Day: Enter the day of the transaction.

    • Payment made to: Specify the recipient of the payment.

    • Check number: Record the check number used for the transaction.

    • Amount: Record the amount paid.

  • Other expenses paid via cash & check:

    • Day: Enter the day of the transaction.

    • Payment made to: Specify the recipient of the payment.

    • Check number: Record the check number used for the transaction.

    • Amount: Record the amount paid.

Amount Carried Forward Section

  • Reference: Assign a reference number for tracking purposes.

  • Amount Carried Forward: Record the cumulative amount carried forward to the next month.

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