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Petition for Change of Name

What is Petition for a Change of Name?

A Petition for a Change of Name form must be completed. It's the primary document used in order to submit your name change request. This document can be mailed or submitted online depending on your state. Once the form and other documents are completed, go to your local county clerks office to have them reviewed.


Name Change Forms are State-specific and allows an adult or minor (child) to change their legal name. If an adult has just been married or divorced, typically the requestor can use the Marriage Certificate / License or Divorce Decree suitable to change the last name at the Social Security Administration and DMV office. If it is for any other type of name change then it usually will need to be presented to the court through a petition and to be published in the local newspaper for a specified time period.


Adult Name Change – For any adult for a name change after marriage, after divorce, or for any other reason. Minor (Child) Name Change – For any minor under eighteen (18) years of age.

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