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Professional Education Planner PDF Template

What is a Professional Education Planner?

A professional education planner is a structured tool designed to assist students in organizing and scheduling their academic coursework to meet their educational goals efficiently. It provides a comprehensive framework for tracking course requirements, progress toward degree completion, and aligning academic schedules with major, minor, and general education requirements. This planner is essential for ensuring students remain on track, make informed decisions about their course selections, and balance their academic workload with other responsibilities. It serves as a collaborative document reviewed by academic advisors to guide students through their academic journey.


How to Fill in Our Professional Education Planner PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the Professional Education Planner template:

  • Student Information:

    • Enter the student's name, SJSU ID, major/minor, and the date.

    • Note whether the plan has been reviewed by an EOP Academic Advisor.

  • WST Status:

    • Indicate the student's WST (Writing Skills Test) status: Pass, Fail, 100a, or Need to take.

  • Major - Lower Division/Prep/Support Courses:

    • List lower division or preparatory/support courses required for the major.

    • Include the course name, GE/Major designation, and units.

  • Core General Education (39 units):

    • List courses under each GE category with corresponding units, including:

      • A1 Oral Communication (3 units)

      • A2 Written Communication 1A (3 units)

      • A3 Critical Thinking and Writing (3 units)

      • B1 Physical Science (3 units)

      • B2 Life Science (3 units)

      • B3 One lab course (0-2 units)

      • B4 Mathematical Concepts (3 units)

      • C1 Arts (3 units)

      • C2 Letters (3 units)

      • C Additional Arts or Letters course (3 units)

      • D1 Human Behavior (3 units)

      • D2 Comparative Systems, Cultures & Environments (0-3 units)

      • D3 Social Issues (0-3 units)

      • E Human Understanding & Development (3 units)

  • Major - Upper Division Courses:

    • List upper division courses required for the  major with GE/Major designation and units.

  • Minor/Electives/Other Courses:

    • List any minor or elective courses with corresponding GE/Major designation and units.

  • Graduation Requirements:

    • Include courses and units required for graduation, such as:

      • F1 American Institutions

      • F2 F123 (6 units)

      • PE Physical Education (two different courses, 2 units total)

  • SJSU Studies (Advanced GE: 12 units):

    • List advanced general education courses and their units, including:

      • R Earth and Environment (3 units)

      • S Self, Society & Equality in the U.S. (3 units)

      • V Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding (3 units)

      • Z Written Communication II 100W (3 units)

  • Checklist and Notes:

    • Indicate any at-risk or academic probation status.

    • Include notes on change of major, grade forgiveness, MySJSU holds, degree progress report, major advisor/advising center contacts, probation/DQ policy, tutoring options, work/life/school balance, and any additional notes.

    • Attach a roadmap for the major/intended major and/or minor, defining required courses.

    • Ensure a grade of "C" or higher is achieved for A1, A2, A3, and B4.

    • Note that WST and junior standing are required for SJSU Studies.

  • Signature:

    • Include the student's and advisor's signatures to validate the plan.

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