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Property Management Agreement PDF Template

What Is a Property Management Agreement?


A property management agreement is a legally binding contract between a property owner (or landlord) and a property management company or individual property manager. This agreement outlines the roles, responsibilities, and rights of both parties regarding the management of the property. It provides clear guidelines for tasks such as collecting rent, handling maintenance and repairs, responding to tenant issues, and more.


Key Components of a Property Management Agreement


  1. Parties Involved: The names and contact information of the property owner and the property management company or individual.

  2. Description of Property: A detailed description of the property being managed, including its address and any relevant identifiers.

  3. Duration of Agreement: The start and end dates of the management contract, along with any conditions for renewal or termination.

  4. Management Fee: The compensation details for the property manager, which could be a flat fee, a percentage of the rent collected, or another arrangement.

  5. Roles and Responsibilities: A comprehensive list of tasks and duties the property manager is expected to handle, such as:

    • Rent collection

    • Property maintenance and repairs

    • Handling tenant complaints and issues

    • Marketing and advertising vacant units

    • Screening and selecting tenants

    • Preparing lease agreements

  6. Maintenance and Repair Provisions: Guidelines for how maintenance and repairs are to be conducted, including spending limits for repairs without owner's approval and emergency repair policies.

  7. Financial Provisions: Details regarding the handling of finances, including the collection of rent, fees, security deposits, and how and when the owner will be paid.

  8. Termination Clause: Conditions under which the agreement can be terminated by either party, which might include breach of contract, failure to perform duties, or other specified reasons. This section should also detail any notice requirements and potential fees related to early termination.

  9. Liability and Insurance: Information about the liability of each party, and any insurance requirements or indemnification clauses.

  10. Dispute Resolution: Provisions for handling disagreements, such as mediation or arbitration clauses.

  11. Miscellaneous Provisions: Any additional terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.

  12. Signatures: Both the property owner and the property manager (or their representative) need to sign and date the agreement to validate it.


Key Purposes of a Property Management Agreement


  1. Define Expectations: The agreement clearly lays out what is expected from the property manager, ensuring both parties understand their roles.

  2. Protect Interests: It provides legal protection for both the property owner and the manager, offering recourse in case of disputes or breaches of contract.

  3. Financial Clarity: The contract establishes the compensation structure for the manager, preventing misunderstandings or disagreements about payment.

  4. Professionalism: A formal agreement underscores the professional nature of the relationship, providing a foundation for a structured, organized approach to property management.


A property management agreement is crucial for establishing a clear, professional relationship between property owners and managers. By defining roles, responsibilities, and compensation, this agreement ensures smooth operations, protects both parties' interests, and sets the stage for a successful property management endeavor.


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