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Sample Lean Business Plan PDF Template

What is a Sample Lean Business Plan?

A Sample Lean Business Plan is a streamlined and concise document that outlines the key elements of a business strategy, focusing on the essential aspects necessary for launching and growing a business. It typically includes objectives, a unique selling point, company information, product offerings, market analysis, competitive landscape, SWOT analysis, marketing and operational plans, team structure, and financial projections. The lean approach emphasizes clarity and brevity, making it easier for business owners to develop, understand, and execute their strategic plans efficiently.


How to Fill in Our Sample Lean Business Plan PDF Template

Follow these steps to fill in the Sample Lean Business Plan template:

  • Company Name: Enter the name of your company.

  • Plan: State the type of plan (e.g., Lean Business Plan).

  • Prepared by: Include the name of the person preparing the plan.

  • Creator’s Name: Enter the name of the person who created the document.

  • Email: Provide the email address of the creator.

  • Date: Enter the date when the plan is prepared.

Executive Summary

  • Objectives:

    • List the key objectives, such as:

      • Gain 200,000 total signups by December 2021.

      • Reach 150,000 membership subscribers by December 2022.

  • Unique Selling Point: Describe the unique selling proposition of your product or service, for example:

    • Streamline internal communications, file sharing, and employee management for SMEs and large corporations in New York, NY.

About Us

  • Company Name: Provide a brief description of your company, including its location and what it offers.

Products & Pricing

  • Free Trial: Mention the free trial offer details.

  • Paid Plans: Describe the standard and premium plans along with their monthly pricing.

Target Market

  • Target Market Description: Define the target market, e.g., business owners in New York who need a reliable project management platform.


  • Competitors:

    • Workflow: Established in Your competitor's establishment year, known for Your competitor's unique feature

    • Streams: Known for Your competitor's unique feature.

SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths:

    • Your strength 1.

    • Your strength 2.

  • Weaknesses:

    • Your weakness 1.

    • Your weakness 2.

  • Opportunities:

    • Opportunity 1.

    • Opportunity 2.

  • Threats:

    • Threat 1.

    • Threat 2.

Marketing Plan

  • Phase 1: Accelerate growth by utilizing integrations to gain referral traffic.

  • Phase 2: Use customer feedback to attract prospects to subscribe to plans.

Operational Plan

  • Office Address: Your office address.

  • Office Details: Your office details.

  • Employees: Your number of employees across departments.

Action Plan

  • Develop Strategic Plan:

    • Assigned To: The person assigned to this task.

    • End Date: The end date of this task.

  • Create KPI for Q3 2022:

    • Assigned To: The person assigned to this task.

    • End Date: The end date of this task.


  • Your team members and their roles.

Projected Startup Costs

  • Commercial Space: Your commercial space cost (as a percentage)

  • Licenses & Permits: Your licenses & permits cost (as a percentage)

  • Technology Expenses: Your technology expenses cost (as a percentage)

  • Other Expenses: Your other expenses cost (as a percentage)

  • Startup Fund Available: Your startup fund available (as a percentage)

  • Total Startup Costs: Your total startup costs.

Projected Profit & Loss Statement

  • Year 1:

    • Sales: Your sales.

    • Cost of Sales: Your cost of sales.

    • Gross Profit: Your gross profit.

    • Total Expenses: Your total expenses.

    • Net Profit: Your net profit.

  • Year 2:

    • Sales: Your sales.

    • Cost of Sales: Your cost of sales.

    • Gross Profit: Your gross profit.

    • Total Expenses: Your total expenses.

    • Net Profit: Your net profit.

Projected Balance Sheet

  • Year 1:

    • Cash: Your cash.

    • Other Assets: Your other assets.

    • Total Assets: Your total assets.

    • Accounts Payable: Your accounts payable.

    • Other Liabilities: Your other liabilities.

    • Total Liabilities: Your total liabilities.

    • Equity Capital: Your equity capital.

    • Retained Earnings: Your retained earnings.

    • Total Shareholder’s Equity: Your total shareholder’s equity.

    • Total Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity: Your total liabilities & shareholder’s equity.

  • Year 2:

    • Cash: Your cash.

    • Other Assets: Your other assets.

    • Total Assets: Your total assets.

    • Accounts Payable: Your accounts payable.

    • Other Liabilities: Your other liabilities.

    • Total Liabilities: Your total liabilities.

    • Equity Capital: Your equity capital.

    • Retained Earnings: Your retained earnings.

    • Total Shareholder’s Equity: Your total shareholder’s equity.

    • Total Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity: Your total liabilities & shareholder’s equity.

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