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Subcontractor Agreement PDF Template

What is a Subcontractor Agreement?


A subcontractor agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which a subcontractor will perform work specified by the primary contractor. These agreements are common in industries like construction, where a general contractor hires a subcontractor to handle specific tasks or services related to a larger project. The subcontractor agreement ensures that expectations are clear, risks are defined, and both parties understand their responsibilities.


Key Components of a Subcontractor Agreement


  1. Parties Involved: Identification of the primary contractor and the subcontractor, including their legal names, addresses, and contact information.

  2. Scope of Work: A detailed description of the work or services the subcontractor is expected to provide. This can include specific tasks, deliverables, and milestones.

  3. Compensation: Terms detailing how and when the subcontractor will be paid. This might involve fixed prices, hourly rates, payment schedules, retainers, or other payment structures. It may also address issues like reimbursement for expenses or provisions for change orders.

  4. Duration: Start and end dates for the subcontractor's services, along with any conditions or procedures for extensions.

  5. Materials and Equipment: Information about who will provide the materials, tools, and equipment needed for the job.

  6. Performance Standards: The expected quality or standards the subcontractor must meet in their work.

  7. Indemnification: Provisions that address liability issues and may require the subcontractor to compensate the primary contractor for certain damages or losses.

  8. Insurance and Licensing: Requirements for the subcontractor to maintain certain licenses or insurance coverages.

  9. Confidentiality: If relevant, clauses that prevent the subcontractor from disclosing or using proprietary information or trade secrets learned during the project.

  10. Termination: Conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement before the work is completed, and any associated penalties or consequences.

  11. Dispute Resolution: Procedures to handle disagreements, such as mediation or arbitration.

  12. Non-compete or Non-solicitation Clauses: Provisions that might restrict the subcontractor from competing directly with the contractor or soliciting its clients for a specific duration and within a particular region.

  13. Governing Law: Specifies the jurisdiction or state laws that will apply in case of disputes.

  14. Signatures: Both the contractor and subcontractor should sign and date the agreement, making it legally binding.


When drafting or entering into a subcontractor agreement, it's crucial to ensure clarity in every clause, as the document serves to protect both parties' interests. Due to the legal implications and potential complexities, consulting with legal counsel when preparing or reviewing a subcontractor agreement is often advisable.


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