By Theodore CipollaMon. 15 Jul. 20243min Read

Become a Renowned Game Developer With Our Game Dev Tycoon 1.7 Guide

Achieve game development success with our Game Dev Tycoon 1.7 Guide! Master gameplay, graphics, platform compatibility, and more.
Become a Renowned Game Developer With Our Game Dev Tycoon 1.7 Guide

Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of game development? Game Dev Tycoon simulates the rollercoaster ride of the gaming industry, from starting out in a humble garage to running a state-of-the-art development studio.


Photograph of Theodore Cipolla
Theodore Cipolla
B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Theodore has 10 years of experience writing for and marketing B2B SaaS startups. He is passionate about writing guides and tutorials for software and games and is a huge gamer.

This comprehensive guide I found, kindly provided by Reddit user "FireBladeNooT" provides the tips and strategies you need to thrive in this exciting simulation game.

Comprehensive Guide: Your Key to Game Dev Success

Stepping into the shoes of a game developer can be a thrilling adventure, but knowing where to start and how to succeed can be daunting.

Game Dev Tycoon game image showing two figures
Image source: Greenheart Games

That's where this Game Dev Tycoon guide becomes your best friend. One of the gems of the guide is the detailed genre and topic compatibility chart—a vital tool that can help you make smart decisions and propel your games to success.

Making Sense of the Genre and Topic Compatibility Chart

Game Dev Tycoon 1.7 Guide
Image source: Reddit

Check out the image above. It's a compatibility chart designed to show which genre and topic combinations will likely make your games stand out.

Here’s how to decode it:

  • Genre Columns: You'll see different genres like Action, Adventure, RPG, Simulation, Strategy, and Casual. Each genre appeals to different audiences and has unique strengths.
  • Topic Rows: Topics range from Abstract and Airplane to Government and Horror. How you pair these topics with genres can significantly impact your game's success.
  • Compatibility Ratings: This simple color code shows how well genres and topics go together:
    • Green (++): Perfect match! These combinations are your best bet for a hit game.
    • Orange (+): This is good but not great. With the right execution, these can still be successful.
    • Red (-): Not recommended. These combinations typically don’t perform well.
    • Gray (I): Incompatible. These are best avoided.

Why This Chart is a Game Changer

This chart is a game-changer for several reasons:

  1. Boosting Your Success Rate: By picking high compatibility combos, you’re setting yourself up for success with games that hit the mark with players.
  2. Smart Resource Use: Focus your efforts where they count. This chart helps you avoid wasting time and resources on games that are unlikely to succeed.
  3. Strategic Planning: This chart helps you plan a lineup of games that will keep your fans excited and your company profitable.

"We began working on what would become Game Dev Tycoon in 2011 and created the concepts and game mechanics as well as the game itself from scratch."
Greenheart Games logo showing green crystal heart
Greenheart Games
Video game developer

How to Use the Chart for Game Development

  1. Starting Out: Pick a topic that interests you or is trending. Then, use the chart to find the most compatible genres.
  2. Know Your Audience: Make sure your choices align with your target audience (Y for young, E for everyone, M for mature).
  3. Mix It Up: While it can be tempting to always choose the best combinations, experiment with moderately compatible options to keep things fresh and exciting.

Using insights from this chart will help you make informed decisions that drive your success as a game developer.

Screenshot of Game Dev Tycoon website
Image source: Greenheart Games

Getting Started With Game Dev Tycoon: Building Your Foundation

In Game Dev Tycoon, you begin as a solo developer in your garage, armed with nothing but a basic computer and a dream. Your mission is to create hit games, build a loyal fan base, and grow your company into a powerhouse of innovation.

Screenshot of Game Dev Tycoon showing person developing video game in garage
Image source: Greenheart Games

Choosing the Right Game Concept

The first step in your journey is selecting the right game concept. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Genre and Topic Combination: Some combinations just work better. For example, Action games paired with Military or Sports topics are often a hit. Experiment to find what resonates with your audience.
  • Target Audience: Tailor your games to specific age groups. Young players might prefer casual or educational games, while mature audiences could enjoy complex RPGs or simulations.
  • Platform Selection: Different platforms have varying levels of popularity and costs. Early on, focus on affordable platforms with a large user base, like the PC or G64.

Balancing Game Development

When developing a game, allocate your resources wisely across different development stages:

  1. Stage 1: Focus on Gameplay and Story/Quests.
  2. Stage 2: Allocate resources to Level Design and Artificial Intelligence.
  3. Stage 3: Emphasize World Design and Graphics.

Managing Your Team

  • Hire Complementary Staff: Look for a mix of skills. For instance, pair a creative designer with a technical programmer for a well-rounded team.
  • Train Your Employees: Enhance their abilities and motivate them to ensure high-quality work.

Image of Game Dev Tycoon showing game developer office
Image source: Greenheart Games

Growing Your Company

As your games gain popularity, you’ll earn more money and can invest in expanding your company.

Here are some tips:

Office Upgrades

Upgrade your office space to accommodate more employees and access advanced features. A larger office allows you to:

  • Hire additional staff.
  • Conduct research on new technologies and game features.
  • Develop larger and more complex games.

Marketing and Hype

Marketing is key to generating buzz for your games. Invest in marketing campaigns to boost your game’s visibility and increase sales. Use different marketing channels such as:

  • Magazines and Demos: Create game demos to attract attention.
  • Conventions: Attend gaming conventions to showcase your games and interact with fans.
  • Online Presence: Maintain an active social media presence to engage with your audience.

Sequels and Spin-offs

Once you have a successful game, consider creating sequels or spin-offs. Building on an established brand can lead to even greater success. Ensure sequels offer enough innovation to keep fans excited.

Advanced Strategies

To stand out and become a renowned game developer, you’ll need to master advanced strategies.

Screenshot from Game Dev Tycoon game showing a special task
Image source: Greenheart Games

Research and Development

Invest in research to unlock new technologies and game features, allowing you to create cutting-edge games. Key areas to research include:

  • New Game Engines: Develop custom game engines for better performance and graphics.
  • Advanced AI: Create smarter and more realistic NPCs to improve gameplay.
  • Multiplayer Features: Add online multiplayer modes to increase replayability.

Managing Multiple Projects

As your company grows, you can handle multiple projects simultaneously. This diversification reduces the risk of relying on a single hit game. Balance your portfolio with a mix of small, medium, and large projects.

Post-Release Support

Support your games after release with updates and patches. Fixing bugs and adding new content keeps players engaged and enhances your reputation as a reliable developer.

With dedication, creativity, and strategic thinking, you can rise to the top of the gaming industry in Game Dev Tycoon 1.7. Follow our guide to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come your way. Whether crafting your first indie hit or managing a large development studio, the path to becoming a renowned game developer is within your reach. So fire up your computer, start brainstorming, and get ready to create the next big gaming sensation!

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