By Darya SemchukWed. 08 May. 20242min Read

Download & Read "The Song Of Achilles" by Madeline Miller

Set during the Trojan War, the story follows the deep bond between Achilles, a Greek hero with unmatched bravery and skill, and Patroclus, an exiled prince.
Download & Read "The Song Of Achilles" by Madeline Miller

The Song Of Achilles book cover image

Image source: Wikipedia


  • Book Title: The Song Of Achilles 
  • Author: Madeline Miller
  • Year Published: September 20, 2011 Please note: As The Song Of Achilles was recently released, its copyright must expire before a legal and free PDF version is available.
  • Goodreads Rating: 4.33/5
  • Availability: Buy the PDF from Google Play Books


After you have purchased The Song Of Achilles, follow these instructions to download it from Google Play Books in PDF format:

  1. Click on the "Books" tab at the top of your screen.
  2. Click on the "Your Library" link beneath that.
  3. Find your book and click the icon with three dots beneath the cover image.
  4. Select "Export" and then "Export as PDF".  

How to Read The Song Of Achilles PDF

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Our Review of The Song Of Achilles 

Madeline Miller’s "The Song of Achilles" is a profound and beautiful retelling of the ancient Greek myth of Achilles and his companion, Patroclus. Through her meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Miller breathes new life into these classic characters, delving deep into themes of love, friendship, fate, and sacrifice. This novel reimagines the lives of Achilles and Patroclus in a way that is both innovative and deeply human, exploring the emotional landscapes of its characters with sensitivity and insight.

Set against the backdrop of the Trojan War, "The Song of Achilles" not only revisits the epic battles and heroic quests of ancient mythology but also focuses on the intimate relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. From their childhood training under Chiron to the dramatic events of the Iliad, Miller portrays their bond with a depth that is both beautiful and heartbreaking. The novel's portrayal of their relationship offers a fresh perspective on the ancient story, highlighting the human aspects of love and loyalty against a backdrop of war.

Miller's prose is exquisite, rich with detail and emotion, transporting readers directly into the world of gods and heroes with a level of immersion that is rare and captivating. Her ability to blend poetic language with compelling narrative makes "The Song of Achilles" a standout work in the realm of historical and mythological fiction.

One interesting aspect of Miller’s work is her background in classics and teaching, which enriches her novels with authenticity and educational value. She brings an academic rigor to her writing, ensuring that the mythological foundations of the story are both accurate and accessible, making the ancient world come alive for modern readers.

"The Song of Achilles" is more than just a retelling of a Greek myth; it is a meditation on the human condition, exploring how the themes of ancient stories are still relevant today. The novel examines the impact of fame, power, and destiny on personal relationships and individual choices, resonating with readers long after the last page.

This novel appeals to a wide range of audiences, from fans of Greek mythology to those who appreciate stories of deep emotional and psychological complexity. It is a testament to the enduring power of love and the human spirit, offering a narrative that is both timeless and profoundly relevant.

In sum, "The Song of Achilles" is a masterful reimagination of classical mythology that tells a timeless story of love and loss. Madeline Miller’s skillful writing and profound empathy for her characters ensure that this novel not only entertains but also enriches, making it a highly recommended read for anyone captivated by the power of story to explore the depths of human emotion.

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