By Darya SemchukSun. 20 Oct. 20247min Read

Download in PDF Free: "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare

As You Like It follows Rosalind as she and her cousin Celia escape persecution in her uncle's court and seek safety and love in the Forest of Arden.
Download in PDF Free: "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare

As You Like It William Shakespeare image
Image source: Goodreads


  • Book Title: As You Like It
  • Author: William Shakespeare
  • Year Published: 1603
  • Goodreads Rating: 3.81/5
  • Availability: Free version available here.


"I shall not deem myself as someone who can write a review on Shakespeare; thus, I will take a few words just to say that this is my favourite Shakespeare play yet. I am not well versed in Shakespeare, neither do I have in-depth knowledge of them, but by my meagre literary skills, I have judged this, and it has come up as the victor."
Dilushani Jayalath
Book Reviewer
Source: Goodreads


How to Read As You Like It in PDF Format

As You Like It by William Shakespeare is a delightful romantic comedy that explores themes of love, identity, and freedom in the magical Forest of Arden. Reading it with PDF Reader Pro enhances the experience by allowing you to annotate key lines and bookmark your favorite scenes.

The app’s adjustable fonts and layouts make Shakespeare’s language easier to follow, while its search function helps you quickly reference quotes or find character interactions. With its lighthearted tone and witty banter, the play is a perfect mix of humour and depth. 


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Our Review of As You Like It

As You Like It by William Shakespeare is widely celebrated as one of the most beloved comedies in the literary canon. Renowned for its charm, wit, and profound exploration of human relationships, the play centres around the journey of Rosalind, one of Shakespeare’s most compelling female characters.

As she disguises herself as a man and seeks refuge in the Forest of Arden, the natural setting becomes a backdrop for introspection on love, freedom, and societal norms, interwoven with humour and moments of delightful confusion.

What distinguishes As You Like It is its profound emphasis on the joys and absurdities inherent in love in various forms—be it romantic, familial, or platonic. The iconic “All the world’s a stage” speech stands out as a timeless reflection on the different phases of life.

A fascinating fact is that Rosalind delivers more lines than any other female character in Shakespeare's plays, captivating readers with her unparalleled cleverness and wit.

The play merits reading for its masterful blend of lighthearted comedy and profound insights into human nature. It offers a narrative where characters embark on a journey of self-discovery, liberated from the constraints of societal norms, all within a vibrant and engaging narrative.

Enthusiasts of Shakespeare’s comedies will revel in its clever dialogues and memorable characters, while newcomers to his works will find it an accessible and enjoyable entry point into the world of Shakespearean literature.


You can also find free PDF versions of other Shakespeare books here:

1. The Merchant of Venice

2. Measure for Measure

3. Macbeth

4. Love's Labour's Lost

5. King Lear

6. King John

7. Julius Caesar

8. King Henry IV, Part 1

9. Henry IV, Part 2

10. Henry V

11. Henry VI, Part 1

12. Henry VI, Part 2

13. Henry VI, Part 3

14. Henry VIII

15. Hamlet

16. Cymbeline

17. Coriolanus

18. The Comedy of Errors

19. As You Like It

20. Antony and Cleopatra

21. All's Well That Ends Well

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