By Theodore CipollaTue. 16 Jul. 20243min Read

Hard Crossword Puzzle: Put Your Vocabulary to the Test

If you think you're good at crossword puzzles, maybe it's time you cranked up the difficulty with our hard crossword puzzle!
Hard Crossword Puzzle: Put Your Vocabulary to the Test

If you're a fan of challenging crossword puzzles, we've got something special for you. Our new hard crossword puzzle template for PDF Reader Pro is designed to put your vocabulary to the test!

Picture of Theodore Cipolla
Theodore Cipolla
B2B SaaS Marketer
Theodore is a content marketer specializing in B2B SaaS media. He has worked in marketing for almost ten years, planning and executing blog content for numerous SaaS startups.

With vague clues and exceptionally obscure words, this puzzle might have you reaching for the dictionary.

Download Our Hard Crossword Puzzle

Do you know what words like execrable, insouciance, and obfuscate mean? If so, then you're ready to take our crossword puzzle challenge. 

Download it below!


There are 21 clues to solve, and some words are only guessable by those with an advanced grasp of the English language. 

What Makes Our Crossword Puzzle Stand Out?

We put a lot of thought and effort into making this crossword puzzle. Find out what separates it from other challenging crossword puzzles. 

  • Challenging Vocabulary: We've included some of the most difficult and interesting words out there. Get ready to tackle words like "pusillanimous" and "antidisestablishmentarianism." It's a great way to expand your vocabulary while having fun.
  • Easy to Use: With PDF Reader Pro, you can fill in the crossword directly on your device. No need for printing – just open the PDF and start solving. This makes it perfect for solving puzzles anytime, anywhere.
  • Thought-Provoking Clues: Each clue is designed to make you think. From straightforward definitions to more cryptic hints, you'll need to use all your brainpower to figure them out.

How to Get Started

  1. Download the Template: Grab the crossword puzzle template from our website. Make sure you have PDF Reader Pro installed on your device.
  2. Open in PDF Reader Pro: Launch the app and open the crossword template. You'll see the puzzle grid and the list of across and down clues.
  3. Start Solving: Click on a cell in the grid and type in your answer. The software makes it easy to move between clues and cells.
  4. Save Your Progress: Need a break? Save your progress and come back to it later. PDF Reader Pro will keep your answers safe.


How to Fill Out the Hard Crossword Puzzle

Once you've downloaded our challenging crossword puzzle, you can fill it out using PDF Reader Pro. 


Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!

Follow the steps below. 

Step 1: Open your hard crossword puzzle PDF

Launch PDF Reader Pro, click on "Open Files", and choose the "Hard Crossword Puzzle" PDF.

Step 2: Launch the PDF editor tool

Select the "Edit PDF" tool and click "Add Text".

Step 3: Create a text box 

To create a text box, click and drag down or across a crossword column or row. 

Set the font size using the "Edit PDF" box on the right side of the screen. 

Step 4: Finish the crossword

Continue adding text boxes as needed until you finish your crossword puzzle.

Check Your Answers Here

Once you've completed your hard crossword puzzle, refer to this section for the answers. 


1. Extremely bad or unpleasant: Execrable

3. Casual lack of concern; indifference: Insouciance 

4. To render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible: Obfuscate

6. Occurring every day; daily: Quotidian

7. To change one's loyalties or opinions: Tergiversate 

8. Lacking courage or resolution: Pusillanimous 

12. Complicated, maze-like: Labyrinthine 

14. Revival of an undesirable condition: Recrudescence 

16. A thing belonging to a period other than that in which it exists: Anachronism 

17. A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important: Sycophant

18. Health-giving; healthy: Salubrious 


2. Wicked or criminal: Nefarious

5. Sleepwalking: Somnambulism 

9. Characterized by long words; long-winded: Sesquipedalian 

10. Deceitful and untrustworthy: Perfidious 

11. To win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person): Propitiate 

13. A riddle wrapped in a mystery: Enigma

15. To foreshadow or symbolize: Adumbrate 

19. Impossible to stop or prevent: Inexorable

20. Opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England: Antidisestablishmentarianism 

What was your score? Let us know if you got all 20 words and we'll make an even harder puzzle! 

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!