By Teddy CipollaThu. 02 Nov. 20233min Read

How to Write Resume

Do you know how to write resume that will help you stand out from the competition? Check out our guide to creating the most employable CV possible with PDF Reader Pro.
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Crafting a professional resume is crucial for making a strong impression on potential employers.

With the right elements, your resume can catch the attention of the hiring manager and showcase your qualifications in the best light.

Here's a comprehensive guide on how to write a resume that stands out.

How to Write a Resume

1. Choose the Right Resume Format

There are three primary resume formats to consider:

  • Chronological Resume Format: Lists your employment history in reverse-chronological order. This is the most common format, ideal for individuals with a clear career path in a specific field.

  • Functional Resume Format: Focuses on relevant skills and qualifications rather than work history. Best for those with employment gaps or changing industries.

  • Combination Resume Format: Combines elements of both chronological and functional formats, emphasizing both skills and work experience.

Select the format that aligns with your career goals and professional experience.

You can also check our resume resource recommendations.

2. Start with a Strong Resume Objective

Kickstart your resume with a concise statement highlighting your career objectives.

This section should be tailored to the specific role you're applying for, showcasing how your skills and experiences align with the company's needs.

3. Detail Your Professional Experience

In the resume work experience section, list your employment history, starting with the most recent position.

For each role, include:

  • Company name and location
  • Your job title
  • Employment dates
  • Key responsibilities and achievements

Highlight relevant experience that showcases your competency for the position. Be sure to mention any transferable skills acquired in roles outside your primary industry.


4. Showcase Relevant Skills

Divide your skills into two categories:

  • Technical Skills: These are job-specific skills, such as software proficiency or certifications.

  • Soft Skills: These are interpersonal skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

Ensure your resume skills section is tailored to the job description, emphasizing those most valued by the hiring manager.

5. Include Optional Sections

Depending on your background, you might consider adding sections like:

  • Volunteer Experience: Demonstrates commitment, passion, and transferable skills.
  • Foreign Language Proficiency: Especially valuable in global companies or roles requiring communication across diverse teams.
  • Professional Affiliations: Indicates commitment to ongoing learning and industry standards.

6. Address Employment Gaps

If you have periods of unemployment, address them briefly in your resume or cover letter.

Emphasize any activities during these gaps, such as freelance work, courses, or volunteering, which contributed to your professional growth.

7. Opt for a Professional Look

Choose a clean, easy-to-read layout. Use a standard font like Times New Roman and consistent formatting throughout.

Resume templates or a resume builder tool, like the one provided by PDF Reader Pro, can be invaluable in achieving a polished look.

8. Save and Share as a Resume File

Once your resume is complete, save it in a universally accessible file format.

PDF Reader Pro offers tools to convert, edit, and share your resume file, ensuring it maintains its formatting across all devices.

In conclusion, a well-crafted resume, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences, can be your ticket to landing your dream job. 

Use the resources available, including professional resume templates from PDF Reader Pro, to ensure your resume is up to industry standards. Remember, every detail counts when making that first impression on potential employers!

Consider Using a Resume PDF Template

A resume acts as your professional story's front page, detailing your qualifications, achievements, and experiences.

Our template provides a clear and organized structure to ensure your narrative is concise and engaging.


What is a Resume PDF Template?

A Resume is a succinct document summarizing an individual's career history, qualifications, and skills, intended to introduce them to potential employers.

Critical components of this essential template include:

  • Personal Information: Your name, contact details, and, if appropriate, a professional profile photo.
  • Objective or Summary: A brief statement or paragraph about your career goals and what you aim to achieve in your next job.
  • Experience: Chronological listing of your work history, detailing positions held, durations, responsibilities, and significant achievements.
  • Education: Your academic qualifications, including institutions attended, courses studied, and any relevant accolades.
  • Skills: Specific abilities relevant to the job you're applying for, which could be technical skills, soft skills, or both.
  • Certifications: Any additional courses or certifications that bolster your qualifications.
  • Awards and Honors: Recognitions received during your professional or academic journey.
  • References: Contacts who can vouch for your qualifications and work ethic, if requested or relevant.

Why Do You Need a Resume PDF Template?

A well-crafted resume offers multiple benefits for job seekers:

  • Professional Presentation: Enhances your image in the eyes of potential employers.
  • Structured Information: Organizes your career story, making it easily digestible for hiring managers.
  • Highlights Achievements: Allows you to showcase milestones and significant contributions.
  • Tailored Applications: Can be adapted to emphasize aspects most relevant to specific job applications.
  • Saves Time: Using a template streamlines the resume-building process, ensuring you're always ready for opportunities.

Craft with Precision Using PDF Reader Pro

Building an impressive resume requires careful curation and presentation of your professional experiences. 

With PDF Reader Pro, you can meticulously design, adapt, and fine-tune your resume, ensuring each detail aligns with your career aspirations and the expectations of potential employers.

How to Write a Resume: Best Practices

Crafting an impressive resume is crucial in landing your dream job. While everyone's career journey is unique, there are certain best practices that every job seeker should follow.

Here's advice from career experts:

1. Understand the Difference between a Resume and a Curriculum Vitae

While both documents present your qualifications, a resume is typically shorter and more concise, focusing on relevant work experience and skills.

A curriculum vitae, on the other hand, is a detailed account of your academic and professional history.

2. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Listing

Instead of sending a generic resume to every job posting, tailor it to match the specific requirements of the job listing.

If you're eyeing a marketing position, for instance, highlight experiences and skills relevant to that field.

3. Use the Right Format

The functional format is great for those with gaps in employment or changing careers, as it emphasizes skills over career progression.

However, choose the format that best showcases your strengths and experiences.

4. Highlight Your Academic Achievements

If you're a recent graduate or if your education history is particularly relevant to the job, don't shy away from detailing your academic achievements.

This can include grades, honors, or relevant coursework.

5. Incorporate Relevant Keywords

Applicant tracking systems are often used in the hiring process. These systems scan resumes for specific keywords from the job listing.

Ensure your resume includes these terms to increase your chances of making it past the initial screening.

6. Showcase a Mix of Types of Skills

While technical skills are important, don't underestimate the power of interpersonal skills. Prospective employers value candidates who are not only proficient in their field but can also work well with others.

7. Consider Additional Resume Sections

Beyond the standard sections, think about adding optional resume sections that can boost your application.

This can include professional certifications, volunteer work, or any other experiences that showcase your suitability for the position.

8. Pair It with a Strong Cover Letter

While some might consider cover letters outdated, many hiring managers still value them. Use cover letter templates as a guide, but ensure your letter is personalized and complements your resume.

9. Avoid Personal Pronouns and Be Concise

Resumes should be as concise as possible. Avoid using personal pronouns like "I" or "me". Instead, use action verbs and quantify achievements where possible.

10. Be Clear with Dates of Employment

Ensure that your dates of employment are clear and consistent. This helps hiring managers quickly gauge your career progression and tenure at each position.

In conclusion, while there's no one-size-fits-all formula for the perfect resume, these best practices can guide you in presenting a compelling snapshot of your qualifications. With careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of what prospective employers are looking for, you'll be one step closer to securing that dream position.


How to Write a Resume: FAQ

How can I make a strong impression on my future employer with my resume?

Your resume is a reflection of your professional self. Ensure it's clear, concise, and tailored to the specific job you're applying for. Use a modern resume template or tools like Resume Genius and Resume Maker to create a top-notch resume.

Highlight accomplishments that saved company money or improved processes. Quantify achievements using dollar amounts where possible, like savings from a special project or efficiency improvements.

What should I include in my job history?

Your job history should provide a detailed account of your roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments.

Highlight specific tasks where you added value, managed cash registers, created financial reports, or undertook special projects. If you handled company money, be specific about the amounts and how you managed it.

How can I showcase my list of skills effectively?

A bulleted list is often the most effective way to showcase a list of skills. Divide your skills into categories such as language skills, organizational skills, and technical skills.

If you're a software engineer, for instance, highlight specific programming languages and platforms you're proficient in.

Should I include a list of publications or personal projects?

Yes, especially if they're relevant to the job you're applying for. Publications showcase your expertise in a particular area, while personal projects can demonstrate initiative, creativity, and dedication.

What format should I use for my resume?

The format of your resume largely depends on your experience level. For those new to the job market, an entry-level resume or a skills-based resume might be more appropriate.

If you have a mix of skills and experience, consider a hybrid format. Always save your resume as PDF files to maintain consistent formatting across different devices.

How do I choose a resume format suitable for my profession?

Hundreds of resume examples are available online, from accounting resume examples to software engineer resume samples.

You can also browse collections like "Collection of Accounting Resume" to find a format that aligns with your profession.

Remember to choose a format that highlights your strengths and experiences.

Is a video resume a good idea?

Video resumes can be impactful, but they're not suitable for all professions or roles. If you opt for one, ensure it's professional, concise, and complements your traditional resume.

In conclusion, crafting a resume is an art and a science. It's about showcasing who you are as a job applicant, your journey, and why you would be a valuable employee.

Whether you're using a pre-made Word resume template or creating your entire resume from scratch, remember to tailor it to the specific role and company you're applying for.

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