By Teddy CipollaMon. 19 Feb. 20243min Read

Where to Find Our PDF Word Counter

Our PDF Word Counter tool allows you to count the number of words in your PDF documents easily. Find out where to access and use it.
Where to Find Our PDF Word Counter

We would like to introduce another great PDF Reader Pro feature, the word counter. It may seem too simple for applause, but this one plays a crucial role in formatting and creating content.

Say goodbye to manual counting and hello to a seamless, time-saving solution that empowers you to focus on what matters most – your content.

Theodore Cipolla
Blog Author - B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Theodore is a B2B SaaS Content Marketer with over ten years of experience. He is passionate about helping professionals appreciate the value of tools quickly.

How to Use a PDF Word Counter on Windows

Step 1: Open PDF Reader Pro

  • Start by launching the PDF Reader Pro application on your device. Locate the application icon and click to open it.

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!

Step 2: Upload the scanned PDF

  • Click on the application's 'Open File' button, usually found in the toolbar.
  • Alternatively, you can upload the scanned PDF using the drag-and-drop feature. Simply drag the file from its location and drop it onto the PDF Reader Pro interface. Then, using the file explorer within the application, navigate to the file location and select the scanned document.


PDF Reader Pro tool showing OCR tool


Step 3: Apply OCR to convert the document

  • Find the OCR feature within PDF Reader Pro. 
  • Select the language of the document. This is important for accurate OCR conversion. Initiate the OCR process.
  • Next, click the 'OCR' button in the middle. Wait for the OCR conversion to complete. This process will transform the image-based PDF into a text-based document.


PDF Reader Pro tool showing OCR tool


Step 4: Count words in the converted document

  • PDF Reader Pro doesn't have a built-in word count feature. You can use a third-party app.
  • Paste the converted text-based document into the word-counting app.
  • The application will display the entire document's total word and character count.

WordCounter website showing word and character count
Image source: WordCounter

If you need a partial word count, highlight the specific section of the text before initiating the word count. 

This can be useful for counting words in a specific paragraph or section of the document.

"PDF Reader Pro transcends the typical PDF tool experience. Its team is passionately committed to enhancing the document management abilities of modern professionals."
Theodore Cipolla
B2B SaaS Content Marketer
Source: LinkedIn

How to Use a PDF Word Counter on Mac

The following guide will walk you through counting words in a PDF on a Mac device.

Step 1: Open your PDF via the "Open File" button

PDF Reader Pro tool showing

Step 2: Select OCR from the toolbar

PDF Reader Pro tool showing OCR feature

Step 3: Set your OCR settings

  • Set "Page Range" to "All Pages" and click OCR.
  • Click "OCR" and wait for the process to finish.
  • Click "Copy"

PDF Reader Pro tool showing OCR feature settings

Step 4: Use a word-counting online tool

Paste your PDF text into an online word-counting tool

WordCounter website showing number of words in document

Get Started with PDF Reader Pro Today!